Back to the land : The Roots of our Freedom
“Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens. They are the most vigorous, the most independent, the most virtuous, and they are tied to their country and wedded to its liberty and interests by the most lasting bonds.”
Thomas Jefferson
Agrarianism is way more than just gardening and farming. It is the foundation for an entire country. A civilization can only be successful when it is built on a vibrant agriculture. We have, as a society become very complacent and dependent on Supermarkets, Shopping malls, Amazon ordering, Technology and Fast Food. Since the Covid-19 restrictions we have become aware how fragile and controlled these structures are. Therefore, it is one of the most important things to take back control of our food supply, our lives, our health, and our bodies.
This means decentralization of Power, building up local farms and local communities that help and support each other, to free ourselves from any governmental chicaneries, banking cartels and other agencies and agendas.
The history of the United States was exactly based on these principals and our Founding fathers knew this: Agriculture is the Root of Freedom !
Why did our founding fathers put so much emphasis on Freedom and what is true Freedom ? Their affinity with the land became the driving force in birthing a new country. Farming and Horticulture were counted as the most honorable and noble pursuits. Even digging up the tiniest piece of Soil became emblematic for freedom itself. Unbearable regulation fees, taxation, and mandatory crop provisioning to the British Crown contributed to the critical mass of people to say NO, and to fully go for the Independence from Great Britain and into the unknown territory of a foreign land. This critical mass is always the necessary tipping point of all great changes.
As far as I and many others see it, we are finding ourselves in the same situation again!
As in the past, so today at this point in history, the necessity for Self Determination through an Agrarian lifestyle is more urgent than ever before. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, all were gardeners and understood how deeply we are connected to the Earth. They understood that unless the freedom is not based on the living Soil it is not of value at all. Agriculture was considered to be a science to enrich lives by providing food, Medicine, financial stability and Aesthetics.
The main pillars of the Agrarian culture are Seed Exchange, Experimentation, Nature as a Source of Medicine, Passion and Love for life and all sentient beings, Investigation and innovation, based on the principles of Nature. The Founding Father’s ideas were deeply rooted in Natural Law and one’s relationship to the Earth was akin to the acknowledgment of a Divine Creator and a vastness of abundance available to all mankind.
We wonder, why nobody knows about all these wonderful principals anymore, and why America has become the most disconnected nation on the planet. The reasons for this amnesia could be a topic for another blog. For this topic alone we need to dive into a very deep Rabbit Hole.
We are facing a situation today again where we need to regain our Sovereignty. Freedom and Independence have become empty slogans. The July4th, Independence Day, presidential Elections and Inaugurations have become meaningless puppet shows with no true value for life and the real problems that people are facing right now. “We the people” has to be returned to the people again, because America was taken over by greedy and sinister corporations, banking systems, and masonic lodges. This is the time that people take the power back into their own hands. The old structures are falling apart right in front of our eyes and something new is on the horizon. Humanity is turning back to the living Soil as free men and free women.
Whether you do gardening as a hobby or full scale farming, growing your own food is the single most powerful act in living a self determined life.
If you do not have a garden, there is always a possibility to grow some herbs in your kitchen, cultivate Sprouts or Micro Greens. Get creative and see what you can do, from where you are, with what you have. Maybe you are good in baking bread, or repairing your neighbors barn. Everyone has a unique gift to share, to contribute to the community.
When we organize ourselves with farmer’s markets, supporting local businesses, bartering, and exchanging goods and services, we cut out the middle man and we free ourselves from government chicaneries.
Food shortage is upon us, one way or another!
The shelves in the Supermarkets may seem to be full, yet people are starving of mal nutrition because food contains little or no nutrients anymore. Our Soils all over the planet are depleted and totally toxic. Even Organic food or groceries from “Whole Foods” which is Amazon owned in the mean time, is depleted from minerals and vitamins. These big Giants are part of the problem by monopolizing and destroying small farms and businesses.This is another good reason to grow your own food and to make sure that your Soil is vibrant and healthy. We at EarthWise are specialized on nurturing the Soil with Effective Microorganisms and compost and can assist people in how to create their own garden or build a Green House efficiently.
Start to eat seasonally, nobody needs to eat Strawberries in December !
Raise chickens, or build a Cold Frame to have Greens throughout the Wintertime. Be inventive, and see how you can create your own Independence. Exchange with your neighbors. It can be real fun !
The concept from Farm to Table makes food not only way more affordable, but also fresh produce contain all the minerals and vitamins that you need. Every County should have a Farm to Table Initiative.
Good nutrition and taking good care of yourself would save a lot of costs we pay for a health care system that obviously has failed. Eating healthy and in season keeps your body clean. The cleaner your body, the more resistant to sickness you become, and the more your inner compass and your intuition is sharpened.There is a special energetic relation ship going on with the Soil and we as humans. If we listen, we can learn how Mother Nature works. From here we can, like Nature does, create infinite abundance for everyone. There is no shortage, no lack, no more control, no competition. In Nature there is only freedom, Synergy, Co-operation, increasing Health and Vitality, and mutual Love and Care.
Remember, that it is all about achieving harmony and balance inside each and everyone and all around us. We have as a humanity left the path and disconnected way to much from our Mother, and now it is the time to find our way back. Now is the time to get innovative and create the World we want to live in, hand in hand with our planet. This does not mean that we go back to the stone ages. We have already developed amazing technologies that we can use wisely and in non harmful ways for the benefit of all mankind and to replenish the Earth. We can literally create Heaven on Earth. A thriving Society based on Free Energy is the answer for a future that is free from slavery and dependency. The technology is there, the Consciousness awakens more and more each day, and people are ready! We have prepared ourselves for this Change for a long time.
It is up to us now to commit to this positive Change and to do what we can to turn things around for the better, and to free humanity from the bonds of false Science and destruction of life and this beautiful planet.
I would love to end with another Thomas Jefferson quote:
“The Soil is the gift of God to the living”
May we cherish this gift and nurture it with our love and our wisdom!
With the courage and the heart of a Lion we will be Kings & Queens of our lives again
Web Log December 5th 2020
Put yourself back on the Throne of your Life!
The times of being complacent and apathetic are over. This is good news for we have as humanity given away our power to “authorities” and “experts.”We have been educated to believe that, “ They know better”. We have slowly but steadily allowed outer forces to heat up the water in our comfort cage, one regulation after the other, one restriction after the other, and now we have come to that dangerous boiling point, where the only chance we have, is to jump out of the pot into the unknown.
The price for such a complacent life style is very high. We have lost our passion for life, our ability to truly love and our will to create fantastic and wonderful things.
We confuse true love for some emotions that can easily change like the weather, and can show up as hate, frustration, anger or co-dependency.
These emotions have nothing whatsoever to do with Love.
It all starts with Love of Self !
The most important thing is to love ourselves. And who can honestly say that they truly love and accept themselves just the way they are ?
So, let’s do a little test: Close your eyes and ask yourself :
Do I appreciate myself ? Am I grateful for who I am or do I need to have confirmation that I deserve to live in Love and abundance ?
Do I criticize myself often ? Do I judge myself for my past mistakes?
Do I compare myself with others ? Do I trust in myself and do I trust in life ? Do I stand my ground, even when everybody around me has a different opinion ?
It is that simple: When you have love in your life you trust. Unconditional Love and Trust go hand in hand. When you trust, you do not worry. Worry is a negative emotion that attracts more of the same energy into your life. Concern is positive and shows that you care. When you love yourself you know what Truth is. You are in contact with your heart and you do not need to defend yourself. All you need is a strong backbone and the will to stand for yourself. Most of us have lost the connection to that deep love and trust in Life.
We mostly live in the past or worry about the future and are completely missing living life itself, which only can happen in the present moment.
We have been programed to not love ourselves and our subconscious minds are filled with subliminal messages of self hate and self denial. We have been taught to believe that we are selfish if we put ourselves first and we see this playing out all around us. Main Stream people wearing masks, and obeying blindly everything what they are told to do, is showing us a reality, that was hidden in the dark before. It is now visible: For the light is shining on all the dark places. The will of the collective seems to be more important than to listen in silence to that own inner voice!
We are kept in fear and worry for such a long time. This fear made it easy to manipulate us into a Matrix of Power. We all have to dissolve this dilemma on a personal level. We must free ourselves from this past programming. This is an Individual Journey of the Soul. Each and every one of us has to do this inner work and clear out old patterns and toxic subconscious beliefs about ourselves and the world around us.
This is not something that can be done on a collective level. The beating drum of Main Stream Propaganda with Slogans like: “We are all in this together, practice Social Distancing, People who are not wearing a mask are selfish and do not care about others. All this Nonsense could have only been rolled out with people who are not in contact with themselves and blindly believe what the Wolves in Sheep Furs were whispering into their ears and into our psyches. This method of separating people was always the means to rule and control and a way to make people fight against each other and to justify two big world wars and other acts of terror. Promising people, that when they do obey, things will turn back to normal again is the biggest lie that was ever told. History seems to repeat itself if we are not alert and aware of what is really going on.
We are living in a time of a great Shift of Consciousness and change of energy on the planet and the entire Solar System.There will never be a “Back to Normal”, because the old way of doing things is dying, and that is for a good reason. You can compare it to losing somebody you love dearly and we all have to go through a deep grieving and letting go process. Everybody just wants to hold on to the shore of the known and that is tragic, because this means that we are not open for change and are afraid to be free. More and more people become conscious and more aware each day.
They know deep in their hearts that what is coming has got to be better than everything we have had up to now!
The will to be free means that we start thinking for ourselves, making our own decisions about what we want to put into our bodies, how we want to live, and how we take responsibility for our lives, health and well being back into our hands. It all starts with loving ourselves. When you love yourself deeply you will not role up your sleeve for a deadly and toxic vaccine. You will nurture your Body, Mind, and Soul with positive, uplifting and life affirming nutrition, information and Wisdom.
We are undergoing the transition from a purely materialistic worldview into a more spiritual and scientific information era. We go from the age of Deception into an age of true Brotherhood and Love for self and one another. We are leaving the comfort zone of the known and familiar behind.
The Spiritual Path is the Path into the Unknown. It is not a cozy and comfortable path. It is shaking us to the core , clearing out everything that is not coming from that place of love and highest good. We are forced to become humble and kind, releasing our resistance to love and life itself.
We make contact with our immortal Soul and experience our limitless possibilities and Potential. This takes responsibility and courage.
There is no going back and holding on to the river bank. We let go and trust that the strong current of change will bring us to our destination. We will regain our Majesty as divine beings. We were never meant to be slaves. We have been lied to and deceived for centuries and we are beginning to see where this has taken us. We start to honor ourselves and stop submitting. No more control and no more doing as we are told. We mature and we finally grow up and heal the wounds and the Trauma .
We realize for the first time that we have been doing all this to ourselves and now a new dream is on the horizon, ready for us to be co-created and manifested into a new reality as a sovereign and free human family.
We become Kings and Queens, putting ourselves back on the Throne
of our own lives!
And the Force is with us, always….
The Death of old Belief Systems and Humanity Rising
We are born free !
Web Log November 27th 2020 by Monika Schneider Stone
The Death of old Belief Systems and Humanity Rising!
This morning I awoke with that absolute sense of clarity and deep inner knowing what this time is all about. All the wonderful new discoveries in science came to my mind, starting with Nikolas Tesla and free Energy for the whole planet, Wilhelm Reich and his amazing works on Bio Energetic and Bio energetic psychology, Orgon Energy, Max Planck and the Unified Field Theory and the new findings of Quantum Physics. The groundbreaking work of Dr. Bruce Lipton with the Biology of Belief stating that genes do not cause illness, the environment does, and the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza and Gregg Braden. The hole “Germ Theory narrative” coming to an end and so much more.
All these people have one thing in common: They left the box of scientific religious doctrine behind and tapped into the Unified Field asking for answers that could bring real Solutions, Healing, and Free Energy to our planet and the people. This wisdom and breakthrough in all these areas is well documented in the new Movie :
Kimberly and Foster Gamble did a fantastic job demonstrating the challenges of these times and what it takes to make the Shift from where we are, towards a self sustaining and thriving society. Our future is built on a new consciousness and a new understanding of the Unified Field that surrounds us, the Zero Point Energy and Torus Field Principle. All the inventions are already made, ready to be rolled out on a larger scale. The Energy Healing methods in combination with ancient Healing Wisdom from our ancestors, show amazingly high healing quotes. New clean energy can be generated out of the Ether, Magnetic Motors, Geothermal and other inventions giving us the chance to generate Energy without destroying our Planet. And there is so much more in the making by genius and inventive spirits all over the globe.
Holistic Healing, Yoga and Meditation has become almost Main Stream.
So why in the World do we have to deal with this CORONA VIRUS scenario coming along, with forced vaccinations, Immunity IDs and draconian measures from the State authorities, like mandatory mask wearing and social distancing ? Why are so many businesses forced to close down, making place for the GREAT RESET, setting us back into some dark middle ages, installing a system that is based on control, surveillance, fear, and scarcity ?
There seems to be a dark force at work for such long time, that tries to keep humanity and its natural development under complete control.
In the middle ages it used to be the Church going after everyone with an extended or different World view. Women who knew everything about Herbs and Natural Healing were burned as witches. Joan of Arc was burned for stating that she gets direct instructions from God. In the Nazi Regime in Germany, Jews and different thinking people were brought to Concentration Camps. The Life works of Wilhelm Reich, Nikolas Tesla and other Genius Minds and Artists were destroyed and they were sent to prison.Their lives ruined forever.
Today we have Chinese communist style censorship in Social Media, we have Fact Checkers, demonetizing and Shadow banning for not marching to the drum of the official narrative, rolled out by a Main Stream Media Propaganda machinery working hand in hand with Power hungry Governments, Agencies and corrupt Corporations. These elites can only rule by using fear and Mind Control Techniques, bombarding the subconscious minds and brains of people 24/7 over T.V.screens and mobile devices.
And do not mistake it : Everything that they have rolled out since March 2020 has nothing whatsoever to do with a Virus or the concern about your Health and Well being. All this is following a step by step program of Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. A plan the elites have for us about how we should live.They seem to be in a hurry to role out this plan, because they know, that there is a big Awakening of Humanity prophesied for a long time and people start to ask questions.
A change of consciousness on the planet, is bringing to light all the darkness and hidden agendas. These evil forces can no longer exist in the presence of this light of truth and pure love.This truly is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, a new science, new Energy and technology, a new era is beginning.
This will bring a new way for humanity to live and trade together in harmony and respect for each other, working hand in hand with Mother Nature. Instead of being oriented mostly on materialism and consumerism, we will have a new lifestyle that is mainly based on spirituality and a new understanding of Natural Law and the Laws of the Cosmos. We will become galactic citizens.
Rudolf Steiner one of the most enlightened Souls on this planet called this evil force ,The Ahriman : He writes in his article Lucifer and Ahriman,Man’s Responsibility for the Earth just right after the end of the first World War.
“Ahriman is shown to be approaching humanity through phenomena such as materialism, nationalism, and literalism in preparation for his incarnation in the millennium now opening. It must not be thought, however, that these two powers work apart: on the contrary, they work more and more together. Our task is to hold them in balance, continually permeating the one with the other. Doing this requires a new form of conscious spirituality.”
We see that more and more people are losing their faith in Main Stream Media, Governments and “ Experts” telling them what they can and cannot do. They start to realize that they have given away responsibility for their health and their lives into the hands of Wolves in Sheep furs, that are now slowly showing their real faces. This is a fantastic time to truly regain our power and loose our fears of distorted State Authorities.
In order to take back our freedoms and God given rights, it demands from us Self Realization, care for each other, and Self Responsibility. We need to let go off a lot of old belief patterns, false religious doctrines about our history as humanity and the role we play on this planet. We have to relearn everything that we were taught to believe blindly since we were a child.
It takes the will to reach out to our neighbors and to ask ourselves: “How can I serve my fellow human beings today, instead of: What is in it for me?”
This is the age of real Brother and Sisterhood, cultivating anew attitude from me to we, with an understanding that we are all interconnected and that separation is an illusion.
We now become aware that we have never been powerless. That we came here to thrive and not only to survive on this Earth.
An age old Belief system of a dogmatic “Science Cult”, a ruling Elite and its Tyranny is now coming to an end. It is lying in its last death rattle and like a wild animal caught in a trap it is showing its dangerous teeth for one last time.
This is The Great awakening versus the Great Reset!
Like in the Story of the “Lord of the Rings” by J.R.R.Tolkien we have to all stand together. We must overcome our differences and like the Elves, Dwarfs and Hobbits stand side by side to win this spiritual battle for light, truth and freedom.
We will not be intimidated and we will shake off all dangers and challenges they try to throw upon us, like ducks shaking water from their feathers. For now humanity realizes for the first time the Majesty of the Divine presence and the Christ light within them and the dormant potential that is awakening at this point of time is moving us forward into an unknown cosmic adventure.
. God has our back and we will not fail.
Overcoming our own darkness and our own inner demons gives us a new perspective to see goodness in others. Love will prevail and when we overcome our fears and Traumas nobody is able to manipulate us any longer.
A new Consciousness and Spirituality has already arrived on the planet.
It is already the new reality for those who have eyes to see, and ears to hear .
It is said that the Meek shall inherit the Earth .
Our time has come.
And so it is.