Monika’s Natural Home Remedies II
Skin Infections
The skin is the largest organ in our body and is very complex and sensitive. It is the natural barrier we have toward the outside world and the highly regulated systems in our body. It helps with Temperature regulation, Immune Defense, Vitamin production and sensation. When the body cannot eliminate all toxins it starts to make its way over the skin. Any imbalances on the skin reflect what is going on in the blood or the organs that are responsible for filtering any harmful substances in our system. It is therefore important to have a healthy plant based diet with lots of fresh vegetables and fruits in organic quality healthy, plant based saturated fats and plenty of water to clean the body from the inside out.
Honey/Cinnamon Mixture
The most important criteria for healthy skin are Healthy Fats and a good blood supply! The following Home Remedies help to kill bacteria or other harmful parasites on the skin and in your blood:
1.Equal parts of Raw Honey and Cinnamon Powder are highly antibacterial and strengthens the immune system: you can have several teaspoons a day.
2. An older but very effective way to kill bacteria ( way more effective than any other modern kind of disinfection ) is Hydrogen Peroxide. In the contrary to modern disinfection it doesn’t do any harm to the skin and keeps the natural protection of the skin intact. It is perfect for mouth wash.
Aloe Vera
Aloe was called the immortality plant by the Egyptians over 6000 years ago. The Native Americans call it the “ Wand of the Heaven”. It is a sacred plant and it produces at least six natural antiseptics, which kill mold, funguses and viruses. It works as an Anti Ulcer, laxatives, anti-inflammatory. It enhances the visceral function of the endocrine system, strengthens the heart and promotes better blood circulation. It is detoxifying and anti-allergic. It even shows anti cancer properties and destroys abnormal cells. You can use it externally or internally. You can easily add it in your daily Smoothie or fresh fruit or vegetable juice.
Coconut Oil - It is well known as one the most beneficial saturated fats you can use for cooking.It is highly antiviral and antimicrobial.You can also use it on your hair and skin externally. Eating one teaspoon in the morning is very effective to combat fungus infection and candida.
Fresh Coconut - It kills viruses that cause influenza, Herpes, Measles, Hepatitis C, Sores, Aids and other illnesses. It kills bacteria that cause ulcers, throat infections and urinary tract infections. It is good for gum disease and cavities, pneumonia , gonorrhea and others. Kills fungi and yeasts that cause candidiasis, ringworm, diaper rash and other infections of the skin. It expels or kills tape worms, lice and Guardia. It provides a nutritional source of quick energy. Coconut improves digestion and absorption of other nutrients including vitamins, minerals and amino acids. It improves insulin secretion and the utilization of blood glucose. Papaya : excellent fruit for combating fungal infections and parasites. (You can also use the seeds.)