Weblog January 2024
Some thoughts on the Farmers’ Protests in Germany:
The Law of Cause and Effect
This year 2024 came around quite fast and filled with unexpected momentum. In the first week of the new year the farmers in Germany were gathering, driving towards the capitol of Berlin, blocking all the major roads and highways, honking, asking to be heard by the government.
They are fed up by the madness of all the rules and regulations by the Green Party and elites that have lost all touch with the needs of the common men and women. Subsidies had been cut and tax refunds for Diesel has been held back.
A wave of solidarity wept over the country, people from all professions, woman, men and children showed their sympathy and support. It set a signal of love and freedom to the whole world: “When we stand together and take care of our own affaires we do not need any government. And we are capable to do this.” For a moment in time people were standing together in unity.
But there is a deeper perspective that we must consider.
A kind of “wrong” picture is painted here and when we have a deeper look we can see that these protests were long planned by the “Bauernverband” the German Farmers’ association that is deeply involved with the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Agenda 2030 and its questionable Sustainable Development Goals. (You can have a look for yourselves)
https://unsdg.un.org/2030-agenda. What sounds at first like a humanitarian and environmental Utopia is actually the blue print for a Green Deal tyranny with complete control and restrictions based on Artificial Intelligence and Environmental destruction. ( i.e. lithium batteries for electric cars, wind energy turbines shredding birds, vaccinations for Indian and African children)killing many) I do not want to go deeper into the topic because I want to stick to the theme of Cause and Effect which brings up the question:
“How did we get here?”
First of all, all farmers are not farmers any more. They mostly lost the relation ship to the soil and Mother Nature and work merely for profit. They use gigantic machines and tractors with Air condition and T.V. screens. The plows of these machines destroy all the living microorganisms.The Soil has been poisoned by pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Mono Cultures, mass production and Monsanto’s genetically modified seeds already had a catastrophic effect since years mostly in poor countries, where the announced “philanthropists” of this Earth like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab and many more invest directly in the genocide of the poor population and the destruction of our planet. The farmers in Europe made themselves completely dependent on the subsidies of the government and the EU parliament. Now this money is taken away from them and they are angry and feel that their existence is at stake, and very rightly so. They have not yet understood that the hands that feed them are not having their best interest at heart.
The law of cause and effect is very simple: What you give out, you get back, or as Jesus said: “What you sow is what you reap”.
When you sow rage, you will harvest rage. The pressure will intensify now until there comes a point where people awake to some very uncomfortable truths: The government will just continue to do what they do, following their agenda, until we finally step out of the game, get on our own feet and change our way of thinking. We leave the old system behind, we turn our backs, stop investing and build our own.
Instead of fighting against the enemy on the outside we must take responsibility, deeply reflect and ask the right questions:
What have I done ?
How am I living?
Am I true to myself and authentic?
Did I sell my Soul for profit ?
How can I turn around and treat the Soil and all life with respect and love ?
How is my relation ship to God and to Mother Earth and my fellow humans?
Did you ever ask yourself why there is such a War on the Cows, and the female, the Mothers, families,natural healing, natural birthing?
It was Rudolf Steiner who was of the opinion that cows and its manure keep the Earth soft and moist. Today with modern “Livestock farming” Soil has become hard and dry. This has an impact on our human hearts. We have become hard hearted and cold. Our ability to build healthy bondage and relation ships is almost down to zero. So it is no surprise when we look at the events that happened in the last four years. It has shown us the shadow side of our society and our own dark side. Where was the courage at the times of Covid, where were the mothers protecting their children to be masked up and vaccinated ? I am digressing here, but it still is a mystery to me. Is it not all related ?
The transformation of agriculture and our society can only happen when we first undergo our own inner transformation. This inner work frees ourselves from all the old programs of guilt shame, exploitation, competition and negativity. Old Karma will be released. The love and joy for life rekindled. Our dignity as human beings will be restored. So many organic farmers have been ridiculed for years. The bio dynamic principals of Rudolf Steiner laughed about.
Why is there such resistance to change ?
And what does all this say about US?
Fortunately there are more and more young people who turn around and start something completely new. Projects that are based on respect for life and community building. It is time now to think new, out of the box and take responsibility for our lives. No government will help us in the time that is to come and we must be clear about this.
There are many wonderful projects. In Germany it is Hubert Möhrle http://moehrlehof.de/ who is working tirelessly with his wife Georgia to heal the landscapes, transform people’s karma and bring them back to the fullness of life and abundance, back to their hearts and back to the Christ Light within themselves.
In the USA it is the Josephine Porter Institute in Virginia offering workshops about the basic principles of bio dynamic applications. https://jpibiodynamics.org/.
We are planning many work shops at our Farm soon. https://earthwise.live/.
When the inner change has occurred in each and every individual then people will realize that everything is connected. Then their hearts will be filled with so much love, compassion and gratitude. With this overflow of love they will come back to the streets and share freely their goods and services and time with each other. Only then big changes can happen. It will not come from the outside.
In History not one revolution has turned things around for the better. On the contrary: Things have always become worse. Let us keep that in mind when People start calling for the savior from the outside again, or a “savior” will show up out of the blue.
Men must overcome his own demons and then he will be free!
There is a cosmic law and we all have to live by it:
“As above so below, as within so without.”
Let us all do this inner work for a bright future, a future where we love each other, care for our neighbor, our Mother Earth, our children. A future in which we work together and let go of our greed and our egotism and the obedience to authorities.
We shall live in Peace and in harmony with God’s creation again. We still have a ways to go, one person at a time. This takes patience and endurance: BUT WE WILL SUCCEED!
Many of us are already awake, ready for a new Vision, for a new Time. We are the ones we have been waiting for!
We are divine creators and we are just about to rediscover it.
God is with us all the way!
yours Monika from Virginia