Natural & Sustainable Living and Gardening
Guidance & Support
Living A Simple, Clean Life based on Natural Law
Natural & Sustainable Living and Gardening
Living A Simple, Clean Life based on Natural Law
Way of Life Consultation with Charles Kuhn
Our True Nature is Light, Love & Pure Happiness
We, all possess within us the power to become SuperNatural Beings and… with a bit of guidance and support, we can tap into that power and nourish it. If you have the desire and the will to become the best version of yourself then write me. I will show you how to rediscover your true essence which is Light, Love & Pure Happiness. Skype sessions are approximately 45 minutes/$45.00 which includes up to 3 follow up email communications.
Write me for more information. Charles@EarthWise.Live
The goal of this consultation will be to inspire you to learn to take control of your personal health and well being through adopting a completely new way of thinking and being! In addition… becoming independent of any outside authority such as physicians, religious leaders, politicians, and even unhealthy, non-nourishing relationships. Since you are unique and possess a constitution and condition unlike anyone else, this consultation will be tailored to your specific needs. A special set of recommendations and suggestions will be given in the areas of nutrition specific to your particular needs, an exercise program based on your physical capabilities and environment, and a spiritual practice incorporating a form of yoga, meditation, prayer, and chanting.
During the first week of practicing your new way of life recommendations you can expect changes in your behavior, your thinking, and daily habits. You can also expect to experience mood changes and physical discomfort in several forms. These are all good, for they indicate the releasing of toxins form the spiritual, emotional, and physical bodies. Any cleansing will be uncomfortable in the beginning, but as in any ‘birthing’, the emergence of a new being will be born… A SuperNatural Being!
Schedule A Consultation with Monika
Learn How to Reclaim Your Vibrant Health and Human Potential
In these times of great changes on the planet it is essential that we take back responsibility for our lives into our own hands. This all has to evolve from the inside out. There is nothing on the outside to blame or to point fingers at. In fact there is really nothing wrong with the state of the world. Everything is just as it is supposed to be. Because it is, and you are the creator of your own reality. Groundbreaking works of Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Joe Dispenza and others show clearly that the way we think, feel, and act have a direct impact, not only on our personal health, but also on the energy field which surrounds us. Being aware of this fact, gives us back the power to heal, to demonstrate peace in the world, and to live an abundant, fulfilled life, in harmony with the Natural Laws and the Cosmos.
Going through a long and painful Healing Process myself, I was open to change my life, my habits, and my belief patterns I had about myself and the World. I changed my diet, educated myself in spiritual teachings including Meditation, Bio Energetics and studied to become a Yoga Teacher. I began a new and adventurous journey with no return. During my long and stressful stays in hospitals and seemingly endless surgeries on my brain, I realized that I am protected by a Loving Force, showing up as Archangel Michael. I noticed too, that when I encouraged others who had to go through difficult times and suffering, it helped me to forget my own pain. My heart opened widely in this process. I became aware of the Unconditional Love of the Universe and that everyone, not only deserves love and healing, but that Body, Mind Spirit are definitely able to heal themselves. Since this time my intuition, which has always been with me since childhood, increased more and more. In my Yoga Classes, Consultations, and Work Shops I can sense what is needed and allow a Higher Force, bigger than myself, guide my words and actions. Reconnecting with Nature by spending more and more time outdoors through long walks in nearby Forests and gardening have had even further healing effects. Daily enjoyment of my Vegetable and Flower Gardens has nourished me in ways I never imagined.
I feel, directly, the nurturing and healing effects of the living Soil. I intuitively began to give back to the soil by making my own compost and by applying EM ( Effective Microorganisms) directly to the garden soil. The results have been remarkable. Here, I found the same principal: The more genuine time and love I put into something, the more amazing the results.
Sometimes the truth does hurt. It was painful to come to the understanding that I, myself, created all of the difficulties and suffering which I experienced in my life. The resistance to this only increased the suffering. Layers of un-felt and suppressed emotions had to be released, a lot of tears to be cried. The Shadow (the unloved parts of ourselves) had to be integrated and embraced to become whole. The more I committed myself to release all that which was no longer contributing to my health and well being, the more powerful I became, my strength and confidence grew. I dropped my victim mentality and gained back my Sovereignty. Today I know, that I have a choice how I want to think, feel and act in the world and how healthy, happy, and fulfilled I want to live. Being able to connect with the light inside myself, I am able to see it clearly in others. In my life’s work, I am passionate about sharing what worked for me in my Healing Process. I love to remind people, how precious this life is and that we should not waste one moment of it, wallowing in self pity, doubt, fear, or dark clouds. Gratitude for what we have and where we are is the key to completely changing our perspective. It directs our focus on the Blessings rather than the lack we might feel and it opens even more doors for greater blessings to enter our life.
So, if my words resonate with you... and you feel inspired to also change your life, please contact me and we can schedule a session... via Skype, where I will guide you through some Deep Inner Processes and Exercises to assist you in awakening your inner Healing and Sovereignty.
I would love to hear from you. In Peace and Love, Monika
The first talk is for free, so that we might discover what is appropriate for your own personal transformation.
by Monika Schneider
Bokashi Composting
Bokashi (horticulture), is an organic waste fermentation-process like silage.
Make your own compost and turn your Kitchen waste into Gold - Taking steps towards a more sustainable lifestyle
Coming from Germany with a long tradition in Recycling and environmental Protection and Care for Nature, it was quite startling to me when I came to live in America seeing people in most of the States throwing all of their garbage in one bin and did not even have a second thought about it at all.
Society has become complacent in their life style and the consequences of relying on disposable goods has obviously come to a critical turning point.
We decided to make a difference and discovered Bokashi Composting which is a simple method using food waste which becomes valuable compost for your garden. This reduces the amount of waste at least by 70% and it contributes to creating healthy soils and a thriving environments.
Bokashi Composting is built on two principles:
1. The Key to the Bokashi process is Fermentation
Using your valuable food waste to generate garden friendly, microbes, yeast and fungi which are contained in a dormant state in the organic Rice Bran provided with the Bokashi Composting System. These microbes come alive and multiply when they are added to the food waste. In using the Bokashi bin you are in fact rapidly fermenting your food.
2. Healthy Soil depends on Microbes
Applied in your garden this mix immediately improves the soil structure and the plants living in it. Only two weeks after burying your fermented waste, your garden plants and soil will flourish.
The more you do this the more vital and natural your garden will become!
Bokashi composting is simple and easy. All you need is a Bokashi Starter kit including a bin and Bokashi bran. (A set of two bins is more efficient.)
You gather your food waste and apply Bokashi bran to every layer of food waste.
Fill up the bin with small cut kitchen waste and let it sit for at least two weeks to start the fermentation process. In this time you can already start filling up the second bin. In only two weeks of fermentation a tea is produced which you can directly apply to your indoor plants or in your garden. You dilute it with water at least 100/1. Any rest of the pure liquid you can simply drain down your sink .The Bokashi microbes are excellent for your drains and septic system.The rest of the pre-compost you simply bury in your garden or set up a compost with it.
We have been using this method now for several months and we see amazing results, both in minimizing our waste and in the health and vibrancy of our soil and plants. Literally everything comes to life.
This is a great way to start a new sustainable lifestyle that teaches you how everything in Nature is built on Symbiosis and Co-creation.
The more aware and conscious we become, the more rewarding the results, because Mother Nature responds with immense abundance to our loving care.
With the Bokashi composting kit comes a small booklet describing in more detail the simple steps you need to take.
For more information and how to order your own Bokashi Composting System please refer to the Links section here on our website.
Monika with a harvest of Collard Greens
You can produce Power Packed Vegetables, Herbs, & Fruits in your own Garden with less work and attention than you thought. Gardening was never meant to be hard work but a way to express creativity while feeding yourselves, your families, and neighbors. Here, we will share with you our experiences and that of wisdom teachers in the art of natural and sustainable gardening.