Rediscovering Our True Nature
Rediscovering Our True Nature
Contrary to popular belief, we humans are not ‘The Center of the Universe’, it is only the Ego which thinks this is so. The truth is that we are absolutely co-dependent on all other beings for our existence. I want to focus here on what I have discovered to be absolutely essential for, not just our survival, but our ability to thrive.
Soil... is a living organism from which our food comes and through which we are nourished. Soil is Life, period. Without soil (on this Earth) there will be no food and without food there would be no life. Consider the root of the word ‘Humus’. The direct translation of humus in Latin is soil. This is no coincidence that as ‘Humans’, our physical bodies have the same make-up as the soil. We are not separate from Nature... we are Nature. When we lose our connection to the soil we lose our connection to the natural world. In essence, we cease to be human. We actually evolve into another species. This is something that we need to seriously consider and... It is never too late. Let us get started.
Grassroots - means the most basic level of an activity or community organization. The roots of the grass are nourished by the soil in which they grow. The quality of the soil determines the quality of the (grass) roots.
Grassroots is a pretty cool word and one which aptly describes what is needed now more than ever. Groups of us getting together to initiate positive and lasting change for ourselves, our communities, and all of humanity. There are so many great and admirable movements at this time, but are they really addressing the root cause of our disharmonious and confused state of consciousness? In a human life, our blood is our compass. The quality of our blood determines the direction we choose in life and how we spend this precious experience here on Earth. I believe we have nearly lost our way as a species and I feel strongly it is because of the declining quality of our blood. Simply put, our Life’s compass is ‘malfunctioning’. No matter how far we stray, we can always find our way back to the path of Loving Kindness for All Life. This is our true Nature. Let us get together and work to create a healthier Life for us all. Let’s start by taking better care of the Earth through treating the soil our food is grown in as the living being that it is. We can start by giving back to the soil through Composting in our backyards and creating Community Composting Operations. Instead of sending our kitchen food scraps to the landfill, we can utilize them to make rich humus to feed the earth. Grass clippings, autumn leaves, straw, leftover hay, sawdust, and even cardboard can be recycled into compost to feed the soil again.