The ultimate Super fruit
Blog for July 2021
The Need to grow… Black Currants
The most essential, seasonal superfood ever!
A few days ago my husband came home with three beautiful and lush black currant plants from the nursery we used to work at. He said: “ we can have lots more because they are not allowed to sell them anymore. The FDA has banned them for supposedly causing fungus and destroying the White Pine Trees. I was surprised to hear that and my first thought was : “ Well, isn’t it interesting that White Pine Trees are the main component of the lumber industry? Something didn’t feel quite right.
A little bit of History:
Black currant bushes were first introduced by English settlers at the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1629 cultivated on some scale, particularly in New York. The first professional cultivation of the plant was banned in 1911.
In 1920 the Federal Government systematically banned and eradicated black currants and is obviously doing it since the present time. The plant is supposed to act as a host for the white pine blister rust that threatened the timber industry. Parallel to that, there was a systematic destruction of the farming industry on the way, criminalizing all raw milk, raw cheese and raw honey, implementing the fear of” dangerous” bacteria and making way for the chemical industry and artificially modified food that we find today in most all Supermarket shelves, predominantly in the USA.
Nature was all of sudden seen as a dangerous enemy that has to be defeated at all costs.
For more information about this theme please read Penny Kelly’s book : “Getting well again, naturally.”
The financing for this big shift in farming, medical industry, nutrition and healing modalities came from none other than the Rockefeller’s and has caused a lot of damage since then.
This war on a natural, organic way of living seems to be now at a culmination point, the last attempt to take over the globe, to vaccinate and to impose artificial intelligence and a non organic way of living for humanity and our planet.
To me, any kind of bureaucratic chicaneries, such as: controlling how much food and what we are allowed to plant in our gardens, forbidding to cultivate powerful healing plants and seeds, suppressing healing methods that really work, are all falling into the line of this agenda.
The profit oriented greed and the exploitation of humans and the planet is now at a dangerous tipping point. We either all change our ways and take responsibility for our health and lives back into our own hands, or we will go down with the lemmings that are jumping over the cliff.
Please understand:
This was never about your health or the environment!
None of the people in power, making these decisions have any interest in your health and well being. And as things are unfolding since the Covid” Plandemic” I would even say that the contrary is the case. Everything that can really help and heal is banned, censored and ridiculed and has been for a long time. But we will never give up and give in and are continuously speaking out and spreading the truth. (Check out David Avocado Wolfe’s Covid protocol for minimizing the damage of the vaccines, viruses and its spike proteins). .
Please educate yourself on all these topics. Nobody else will do it for you! This is a matter of death or life. It has become a matter of the survival of humanity and our planet Earth !
The banning of the Black currant as the most powerful healing and Superfood plant is only one example for what is really going on. Black currants are even called the “forbidden fruit” and are you still wondering why ?
The miracle berries !
New research is emerging all the time on the potential health benefits of eating and drinking blackcurrants.Blackcurrants can help you to improve your health in many ways and here are some benefits that make you want to grow some in your own garden.
Highest amount of Vitamin C!
Thanks to the high levels of Anthocyanin and Vitamin C, two types of important disease-fighting antioxidants, blackcurrants have been suggested by scientific research to have many benefits in promoting health and preventing diseases. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient required for the body’s normal functions and the antioxidant polyphenols in blackcurrants (particularly Anthocyanin) may help in maintaining cardiovascular health, aging and brain health, urinary tract health and healthy vision.
Antioxidants in blackcurrants are good for you because they help fight against free radicals entering the body.
Brain Function !
“There has been much research undertaken to identify the benefits of fruit intake on cognitive performance and their ability to reduce the extent of cognitive decline and dementia. Generally, the data suggests that berries are the best fruit for this beneficial effect. Here, this new study with healthy young participants confirms that blackcurrant juice intake is associated with an increase in ability to perform multiple repetitions of attention tasks requiring alertness, vigilance, sustained attention, mood and mental fatigue.”
Professor Derek Stewart of the James Hutton Institute in Scotland
Digestion and cancer!
“There has been much research undertaken to identify the benefits of fruit intake on both digestive health and in fighting certain cancers. These new studies confirm that blackcurrant juice intake is associated with a decrease in gut inflammation and subsequently an increase in levels of Bifido- bacterium in the gut. What’s more, research now supports the idea that the Anthocyanin found in blackcurrants do indeed have an ‘anti-tumour’ effect on gastric and oesophagus cancers.”
Professor Derek Stewart of the James Hutton Institute in Scotland
Heart Function !
A high intake of fruit and vegetables has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease. Blackcurrants are a natural, readily available and rich source of flavonoids.
As well as stooping blood vessels working properly, small blood clots release harmful chemicals that can increase the formation of bad cholesterol, which sticks to the blood vessel walls. Eventually, this can lead to a narrowing of the arteries, which will prevent the blood flowing around the body efficiently and could lead to increased blood pressure.
This might be helpful to know for the reported blood clotting as a side effect of the “ vaccine”.
These are just a few of the many benefits.
Read more in this fantastic article:
As you see, this is an enormously powerful healing and Super fruit.
Mother Nature has everything in store for us for our healing and nurturing.
The destruction we have allowed has come pretty far, but more and more people awake and try to make a difference.
Everything in Nature is following cosmic laws of balance and harmony. We have to follow these laws and change our ways.
As the great Spiritual teacher Dr. Wayne Dyer once said:
“ When the rules are not making any sense, it is your duty to disobey!”
So please, do not obey the rules that make no sense, eat more black currants, and grow them in your garden. Pass them on to your neighbors, preserve the plants!
Remember and conserve the ancient wisdom of natural healing and nutrition.The indigenous people all over the globe are vey much aware of these simple principals. They know how to survive in Nature and with Nature. In the western civilization we yet have to learn. We have forgotten about the Mothers way and that there is a divine plan in everything.
We have become complacent and dependent on technology. Anytime we interfere with the biological rhythm and harmony of a biological system there is evidenceof plagues and disruptive patterns. Things get out of hand, out of balance.
For the future of this planet belongs to the people who know how to heal themselves and others. It belongs to the people who want to give back to the Earth and share with Love. They want to live in peace and in harmony with Nature and with each other, thriving together from this understanding.
They are the custodians of this precious planet.
Incurable was yesterday, trust yourself, your body knows and Nature has it all.
This is one of the many reasons for the need to grow Black Currant berries.
They are a symbol of the freedom and liberty that this nation is founded upon.
I am wishing you from the bottom of my heart, good health, the ability of discernment, and that you may always have a bowl of fresh black currants available to you!
with love
Please read Dr. Andreas Kalcker’s book:
Forbidden Health: Incurable was yesterday