weblog June 2022
How to leave the Truman Show …
Your Own Personal Reset
“Awake, ye men, out of your leaden slumber! Recognize the ignoble burden you bear, that weighs upon millions with enormous pressure. Throw it off! Is it worth bearing? Not for a single second! Of what does it consist? Empty husks which the breath of Truth will scatter in the wind. You have wasted time and energy for nothing. Therefore burst the fetters that hold you down, and free yourselves at last!
The man who remains inwardly bound will always be a slave, even if he were a king.”
– In the Light of Truth by Abd-Rushin
We all have been deeply asleep. When we have an honest look at our lives, we will see how much we all have played a role leading to the situation we are all in now as a collective. We all have served this system in one way or another that is now showing its ugly face and its real agenda, especially since the beginning of 2020. Somebody seems to be in a hurry to push trans-humanism, to turn us all into immobile slaves and disconnect us forever from our divine Creator. It was long prophesied by the Mayans, Incas, Nostradamus, in the Vedas, Karl Irlmeier and many more were warning us about this time. If we would not change our ways and walk further down the path of exploitation, materialism and disconnection from God we would have to suffer terribly and eventually will not be able to make it through this time of upheaval, chaos and change. They also all spoke about a great awakening of humanity and a storm of truth that would bring to light all the lies, all the deception, all the wrong doing. Not only on the world stage of politics, media, and religious institutions but especially also in our personal and inner life. We are now right in the midst of this storm and are forced to go within and to change. There are dark forces who want to harvest this change for their agenda to enslave humanity. In their own words they think they are able to hack the human brain and take away all the free will and all our choices forever. This statement and all the measures that have been taken are so inhuman and heartless that it truly amazes me that there are still not more people crying out loud: “No more, enough is enough!”
Why aren’t they, why aren’t we ?
Have we been slaves for such a long time that we finally love our prison ?
Well, we have to understand that the collective is undergoing a deep cleanse of the subconscious and the psyche. Ancient trauma is triggered and since the collective is the sum of many individuals it means that each and every one of us must have a deep look inside ourselves selves first. As within so without as the Hermetic Principals have taught us. The world is supposed to be a projection of our mind.
So we need to ask ourselves:
Where are my triggers?
What are my greatest fears ?
Where is there still unresolved trauma ?
How can I still be manipulated, and what still needs healing ?
The number one reason why lies and propaganda work is the ability to manipulate people over fear and mostly fear of death. Certain trigger words are used over and over, so that they sink deep into the subconscious mind to trigger the survival mode. This predictive programming and other brain altering technologies were used to bamboozle the whole world to believe in a pandemic ( not even proven by any scientific methods), the necessity of lockdowns, the push to enforce people to get a deadly cocktail into their bloodstream without any further questioning or common sense investigations. Those who have planned this unbelievable scam know human psychology, they know about our fears, they know how we react, and they calculated these reactions in every detail. They also know that we have become lazy and complacent.
But they missed one thing, the one factor they could not calculate: And that one factor is Love, the human heart, the Soul, Intelligence, Intuition and the connection to the Divine Source!
They did not consider that since a long time people had spiritual practice, meditation, prayer. People who studied ancient timeless wisdom and applied it. There was Yoga there was natural healing. There was a movement that was yearning to walk with Nature again, to live according to Natural Law. There was a wish to leave behind a system that was based on competition and stress. The poverty consciousness expanded into abundance consciousness. They understood that everything is based on energy and vibration. People started to educate themselves, they did inner work and shadow work. They strengthened their psychic and physical immunity. They cleared their ancestral karma, they made peace with themselves and others and they took responsibility for their state of health and well being. They reinstalled their connection to the higher Source, mostly ridiculed by the masses. Nevertheless they kept on walking further. They understood that the only way out is in and to individuate from a sick society was the most healthy decision they ever made in their life!
They stopped watching television and took control over their own lives. They took their children out of school and were teaching them at home.They discovered that there was a Matrix of fear, a movie running, a kind of Truman Show and they found their way out. They started to speak up, they did their own research. They just did not blindly follow, they felt intuitively that something was not quite right and they were ready to do something about it. They stopped blaming and pointing fingers and took things into their own hands. All these people had the courage to go through their Own Personal Reset. They changed their lives and attitudes. They changed the way they treated nature and each other. They discovered how powerful they are when they use their minds and hearts to manifest the positive changes that are needed now. These people are the Pioneers of a new world, that is based on Harmony, Natural Law and Abundance for everyone. They honor God’s creation and they want to do things in the right way and for the benefit of all. Too much has been suppressed and now it is time we all come into our full human potential. There is technology, there is healing, there is a new way of agriculture, trading and bartering. Maybe a sound currency based on true values. There is a happy and fulfilled life awaiting all of us. The old system of deception and fraud is over, it is fighting its last battle. The new energy will not support this darkness any more. The golden age is coming, let there be no doubt about it. Until then, work on yourself, do not get distracted by the loudness of the world. Certainly the devil will have one last crucial and intimidating dance, and the road might get really bumpy. But we will be fearless, because we are guided well by higher beings and by God, standing in the pure light of truth. And we have each other, when we finally stop the division and judgments and start to work and create in unity. Let’s develop compassion and empathy for those who still do not understand what is happening. Reach out when help is needed. Develop those qualities! When each and every one of us is doing their inner work and when all those free Souls shine their light into the Unified Field, we will truly have Heaven on Earth. I feel we are very close and a wonderful future awaits us, but we need to develop patience and endurance and a strong will to transform on the path. In a way we can be grateful to all the dark players that took on the role of the evil ones. They helped us enormously to grow in all aspects of our lives.
God’s grace and love are truly without limit and has its mysterious ways for sure.
Our faith will be tested …the reward of abetter world is waiting on the other side..just walk through that door and step into the unknown…you won’t regret it!