Beyond duality
weblog for October 2022
Grow Beyond Your Self!
The time we are in now needs people who are able to grow beyond themselves and are capable of seeing the bigger picture behind the events that are presenting themselves on the world stage.This is a process of solely inner transformation. Many of us are drawn to believe, we need to resist what is happening outside of us. We feel small and powerless in the face of endless tyranny and evil that never seems to end. Meanwhile the contrary is true. We are standing on the cusp of a great turning point and things are changing quickly now. More and more people begin to see through the deception of the artificial matrix.They remember how powerful they truly are and have always been. Some are already envisioning and working on alternatives to the current system which is rapidly falling apart. For most people this change comes along with anxiety and fears, which makes them susceptible for the manipulation tactics of the perpetrators of the old fear Matrix. A cosmically arranged Shift will open our Hearts and Minds for amazing times to come and the Truth will be revealed. This will be the time when we merge with the “ Divine Matrix” leaving behind all the suppression, heaviness, trauma and karma that has been plaguing us for thousands of years.This is our chance to make it happen, hand in hand with Mother Earth, the Cosmos and our brothers and sisters. It will be our free choice to participate in this Shift. How we will maneuver its ups and downs is all a matter of Consciousness.
The Christ Consciousness, which is the Power of Love will connect us to the Christ within. According to the teachings of Rudolf Steiner this is “ Die ICH-KRAFT”. It is the power of the “ I am“ presence within us.That space in our heart that is divine and infinite. It is the God spark within us all. In the new energy and high frequency that is streaming into our Earth’s atmosphere everything will be washed away that is not coming from a place of love.This light from the Galactic Center, the Central Sun is going to change everything and we are changing with it. This is nothing to be afraid of. On the contrary. We should walk this path with confidence, joy and unshakable trust in God’s plan for the World.
More and more people are starting to question everything.They are feeling that they have missed their true purpose in life, the reason why they came here in the first place.They feel that something is not right and they no longer can reconcile the lies of their lives with their conscience. Hearts are opening, making way for compassion and a more loving way of being and working with each other. We realize how powerful we are and that God has given us everything to create a wonderful world. A world of peace and harmony, fair and humane conditions, and abundance for everyone.
Bruno Gröning the great Miracle Healer from Germany after the Second World war said:
“The human being MUST now turn around and find their way to God again, there is no other way!”
This is the moment of the big turn around and there is no time to waste.
How can we support this process ?
Establish a relationship with the Earth and Nature.
Food must be organic and energetically high in nutritional value.The food we eat creates our ability to bond with the Earth and build nourishing and healthy relation ships with each other. Develop strong roots, walk barefoot on the grass in the morning dew, grow your own food, plant a garden, get your fingers in the Soil and support your local farmer!
Reestablish a connection with your Ancestors and honor thefor what they had to go through. You will feel their strong support Practice forgiveness and compassion.Turn off your phones and electronic devices as often as possible, avoid TV’s and watching the “News”.There is nothing “new” about it. These are all programs designed by the false Matrix to keep people in fear, small and powerless. Do not waste your time and precious energy on this deception.Become real and participate in real life!
2. Discover the Christ Consciousness within you
The light of Christ Consciousness shines in every heart. Allow this lighto guide you. Practice meditation and sit in stillness so that you are able to hear that voice within. Envision a burning flame inside your heart, this is the eternal flame.Practice loving kindness during the day, little deeds can make a big difference. Begin loving yourself and beam that love out into the world. Become real and authentic. Be yourself, innocent as you were as a child curious about life and filled with joy. See God’s love and perfection in everything and everyone. Practice compassion instead of harsh criticism and judgement. This is pure love in action.
The magnetic field of our heart is the most powerful tool we have, to attract the things and circumstances we want in our lives. This poweris now awakening to its full magnificence and radiance. For love is and will always be the most powerful Force in the Universe.
3. Connect to the SUN and the Cosmos
Make it a daily practice to absorb the direct light of the Sun.
Soaking in the light of the morning and evening sun fills us with energy and vitality. We receive valuable information and wisdom.The light activates our Pineal Gland. This pea sized gland a the center of the brain is our inner compass and the seat of our intuition. Activating this Gand enables us to be at the right time at the right place and to connect with the right people. In the coming shifts and changes this is essential to know.
The Earth’s magnetic field is growing weaker and will come down to a Zero point.The North Pole is only a few more months away to a flip point ( see the work of Frank Jacob and Dieter Broers for more scientific information). Together with the Sun’s Coronal Mass Ejections this all brings in the impulses for the divinely orchestrated “ Big Awakening.” The great Shamanic teacher, Dr. Alberto Villoldo is speaking about the arising of “Homo Luminous”. Humanity is transforming into the light-beings that we are at our core essence. We are beginning to remember where we came from, where we are going, and why we are here.
Our bodies have become dense and stiff from old unresolved trauma and karma. Have the courage to face your deepest fears and wounds and then transform them into the gift of a precious pearl.The tension must be dissolved so that we can grow beyond ourselves and let go of what no longer serves us.This is the time of the big purge and nothing will ever be the same again.This is a reason to celebrate and to welcome the New Light and the New Earth with all its possibilities.It is the time of the “ Great Death and Rebirth”, a time to rejoice and to free ourselves from the bondages of the past.
Once we are able to connect to the Unified Field of Consciousness while at the same time being grounded enough, we can grow beyond all the darkness that is around us in this time.This is taking the Eagle’s perspective.We have all the support from the Cosmos and Spiritual Beings and teachers are here for our aid. Meanwhile, the alchemical inner work must be done by us!
No-one will come and save us and there will be no spaceships to evacuate us from this Earth. We are the ones we have been waiting for. Trust and have faith! Ask for help at any time and you will receive it. All it takes is our strong conviction and our will to follow through.
When we are undergoing this deep transformational process, healing those wounds, bringing light into our own inner darkness, the world will be transformed and healed as well. We will no longer blame the outside world for our inability to take full responsibility and act as creative, free, loving and authentic grown ups. We will guide others by simply being a good example of authentic living.We have then come into our God given Power. We realize that we have never been the victims and nothing was ever done to us! We create our reality through our filters of perception and beliefs.
This is the real Heroes Journey and our grand children will sit by the fire all night, sharing the memories and stories about their ancestors turning things around in the moment of great tyranny, despair and upheaval. Their stories will be filled with miraculous wonders. You might be one of them.
Keep this vision
Grow beyond Your Self
and show the world:
with love & gratitude Monika