Our Blood is Our Compass
Part I
Navigating the Apocalypse
The good news is that this will all end nicely. The not so good news is that not everyone will share in this happy ending. ‘Why some but not others?’, you ask.
In this age of information, it is virtually impossible for anyone with access to a technological device (Cell phone, TV, Computer, etc) to not know about ways for living a healthy life. No excuse whatsoever! The number of chronically ill people in the US is staggering and there is no end in sight. Of course, everyone is quick to blame this national pandemic on outside forces, or some other culprit, like, say heredity, or environment. Any number of reasons other than the true one can temporarily allay self responsibility but eventually it will come down to the individual suffering who is to blame. My own experience through many years of preaching a natural lifestyle to family, friends, and acquaintances has shown me that the consensus is: most people would rather take a pill or adopt a quick cure so that they can keep doing what they are doing, even though they know it is not healthy and will more than likely end badly... and there are those who wish to change but just do not know where to start.
A natural and regenerative way of living does require some initial guidance. A true desire for change, self discipline, and a basic understanding of food choices and food combining is necessary for initial success, but mostly what is required is letting go of addictive and habitual behaviors, which is perhaps, for most, the biggest hurdle.
A support system is helpful in the beginning whether it be family members or friends who are already conscious of healthy living, or a mentor who inspires and encourages. Deciding to adopt a more healthy way of life is the preverbial ‘First Step on the Path’.
Below, we have offered suggestions and recommendations for an easy transitional period to a more healthy and nourishing lifestyle.
The quality of our blood really does determine our life choices and life direction during this human experience. There are many great books written about eating a balanced diet, living in harmony with nature, choosing natural products, and much more so I will not delve into it too deeply here but refer you to the great Resources and Links on this website.
Suffice it to say that we are, all of us, headed towards the precipice of great changes for humanity.
We can now choose.
Do we want to find our true path and enjoy this most exciting time to be a human on planet Earth? ... or... do we want to wander aimlessly, lost and suffer unnecessarily? The choice is yours. It is obvious, isn’t it?
Let’s do this. Let us all come together and find our true compass again and get back on the path towards the Light and Love we were meant to enjoy here on Earth!
Building and Maintaining a Healthy Immune System
There is no secret formula for creating and maintaining a healthy immune system. It is not that difficult to discern what is nourishing and nutritious and what is not. We are, at this time in human evolution, more than ever before, afforded the opportunity to ‘Clean Up Our Act’ as the saying goes. Eating healthy is essential if we are to transition to the new way of living in peace and harmony on our beloved Mother Earth. Some basic principles include Fresh - Local - In Season - Natural & Organically Grown. Here are a few examples of clean, nutritious eating.
Nutritious Macrobiotic Meal
The Macrobiotic Diet is based on the principles of Yin & Yang and the art of balancing these energies in one’s nutritional diet. Everyone’s individuality, life style and environment need to be taken into account with a diet adapted accordingly.
Delicious & Wholesome Vegetarian Food
A Vegetarian way of eating is based on plant foods with additional animal foods to include eggs and dairy.
Plant Based Vegan Food
A Plant based or Vegan diet is food only of plant origin and does not include any animal products. Vegetable protein is substituted for animal protein.