A True Vegetarian Meal
Eating a diet comprised of mostly plants is considered by many to be a Vegetarian diet. There as many interpretations of this way of eating as there are Nutritional gurus. So... where do you start?
We recommend you apply your sense of intuition and come from your heart and not so much your head. In the first place, no way of eating should be dogmatic or an ’Ism’. Be flexible and open to experiment. Consider factors such as your constitution, your present condition, your environment, and your activity or lack thereof to name just a few.
A good rule of thumb is, as we said, listen to your heart for the heart always knows the way.
There are many great books on eating a vegetarian diet but anyway...
Here are a few suggestions.
Whole grains are the best foundation for any diet and especially a vegetarian one. Incorporating whole grains as your staple food, you cannot go wrong. Try to buy organically grown always or at least natural and low spray. Brown rice (short grain) is our favorite because it just tastes good and is nutritious and provides energy and endurance to the physical body. Oats, barley, millet, and even white rice are also great grains with which to experiment. Find recipes and preparation methods on the internet or in cookbooks.
Beans In the form of dried beans such as Lentils, Kidney beans, Navy beans, and Adzuki beans are optimal to mention a few but many of us do not want to make the time to prepare them. Tempeh, and Tofu are good alternatives and supply plenty of energy for most any lifestyle. Again.. research recipes and methods of preparation on the web.
Root vegetables such as Carrots, Parsnips, Turnips, Burdock, Onions, and so on are delicious and nutritious when properly prepared and combined with other vegetables.
Ground vegetables - Squashes, like Hokaido, Acorn, and Butternut are powerful and considered by some ‘Super foods’.
Above ground vegetables - Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, Kale, Collards, Arugula, Parsley, and so many others provide vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients.
Your consumption of Seeds Nuts and Fruits will vary according to your location when you try to eat local and in season.
Now comes the controversial part of the ‘Vegetarian’ diet: Animal food. Eggs and Dairy food are considered okay to consume in moderation by so-called ‘OvoLacto’ Vegetarians. When considering incorporating animal foods into your diet, once again, listen to your heart. Feel what it is telling you and be honest whether you really need to eat these foods or if it is just your mind and a sensorial desire.
No judgements here... just enjoy, be free and happy.!
More coming soon!