Micro Greens and the Power of the Tiny Things
Web Log November 24th 2020
Micro Greens and the Power of the Tiny Things
I lately witnessed in a Super Market a young couple with a baby, having their cart loaded with tons of food with no nutritious value at all. Starting with Coke and other sweet drinks, tons of White Toast, Meat, Chips and other undefinable strange and artificial looking stuff. The bill for all this was $529 for nothing but thin air and sugar. I was shocked. I thought about how they could have spent way less money on high Quality nutrient dense Organic Food, lasting them for at least a few weeks. The movie Food Matters came to my mind, where a natural Healer was passionate and tirelessly teaching Families with low income, how to cook from a budget of $5 per day. Instead of investing into cheap Junk Food, he is suggesting to buy a sack of brown rice, some fresh herbs, garlic and Olive Oil , some veggies, apples, raisins, oats that can feed the whole family with simple nutrient dense and healthy food.
Lately I heard David Avocado Wolfe saying that you can easily feed yourself by only eating 2-3 Avocados per day and a bowl of fresh green sprouts.
Simple concepts like this catch my attention right away.
In these times of Lockdowns and the crumbling of infrastructure and uncertain food supplies, it is essential that we have a completely new understanding about what food is and how to optimize our nutrition.
The eating habits in our society are mostly based on sensual foods, meaning that they please the senses for instant gratification, rather then making conscious choices about what our body really needs.
I heard it first in a John Lennon Song: “You know that what you eat you are”, and in a Japanese prayer they say: ”Itadakimas” meaning : “ this I now become” before every meal. This attitude shows a deep understanding that everything we do, say, or think has a deep affect on everything inside of us and on the environment around us. A conscious prayer of gratitude and a thoughtful choice what we take in has a deep impact on the cellular level. We literally become what we eat. It is all a matter of consciousness.
The current situation needs a rethinking of our consumer behaviors and habitual patterns. A shift of consciousness from Quantity and low energy foods, towards Quality and nutrient dense foods must happen. Our lifestyle has become very complacent and has depleted us from our vital life energy.
Fluoride in the water, Sugar and Chemicals in the foods, Factory Farming and other toxic factors diminish the function of our Pineal Gland, which is a direct antenna of our intuition. It is the seat of our Soul, it is the portal which gives us access to other dimensions. ( more about the Pineal Gland in my next blog)
Our psychic abilities are about to awaken at this point of time. We need to de-calcify this gland to open our psychic centers. We need to be healthy, vibrant and strong to make it through this stormy time. A change in the way we nurture ourselves is essential. This is where nutrient dense foods come in. Watercress is an excellent SuperFood to de-calcify the Pineal Gland, also Cilantro and Parsley.
Micro Greens and Sprouts such as Mung Beans, Broccoli, Peas, Alfalfa, Radish or Kale Seeds are very delicious and high in Protein and Minerals. They are extremely high in Enzymes, which are a catalyst for the metabolism to get the most energy out of your food. Sprouts are packed with Vitamins and Antioxidants, which help to prevent inflammation and infection.
Sprouted seeds are a rich Source of Vitamins E and B. They alkalinize the blood which is basic for preventing any kind of ailments in the body.
It is easy to make them at home or even when you travel. They do not need sunlight to grow, which makes it the perfect fresh green during the winter. All you need are some jars with a mesh net or use some cheese cloth to cover the top.
Let a few tablespoons of sprouting seeds soak in water over night. Then rinse and drain them through your net lid and repeat that twice a day as long as necessary.Set your jars top down at an angle on the counter. Do not expose them to direct sunlight. In only 3-7 days you have some powerful sprouts.
You can store your sprouts in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.
(There are plenty of videos on YouTube on how to make sprouts)
Micro Greens are grown in soil and they are the first fresh leaves that come from the seed with the full potential of the energy for a whole plant.
They too are packed with high Protein, Minerals, Iron and Vitamin K and B and so much more. Little baby plants with a lot of Power !
Just fill up a little tray with soil and plant the seeds and see what happens only in a few days. This is perfect for urban gardeners and for people who do not have a lot of space .
Herbs and herbal teas are another vital source of positive nutrients. They aid in digestion, purify the blood, and contain a lot of healing properties.
Set up your own little herbal pots at home or in your garden, if you have the space. Our ancestors knew about the healing power of Nature and its medicinal gifts for humanity. Reconnect to this ancient wisdom. Study, and re-learn everything that you have been taught about nutrition or health.
Humans have become so degenerated and genetically modified, that we now find ourselves on the crossroad of ‘Irreversibility’. Healing and a new understanding about basic life principles and Natural Law need to overwrite the artificial programming that has been taken place since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Nature is our best teacher. Learn from Mother Earth.
Everything has its rhythm and its time. We cannot survive as a species on this planet if we do not play by these rules.
Reduce the amount of the food you take in. There is a golden rule that says you should only be satisfied by 75%. Stay hungry. Give your organism the chance to process and digest. Overeating and excessive consumption of de-naturalized “junk food” has a devastating effect not only on your health, but also on your mental, emotional and spiritual state.
Get inventive and start to cook at home. The Lockdowns of so many Restaurants are a good chance for us to return to cooking our own food again.
Food prepared with love and your own energy is essential for your well being.
Start to bake your own Sourdough bread. It is the most rewarding thing to have the smell of fresh baked bread in your house. No more sterile plastic packaged ‘food’.
Use the time you have to stay at home wisely and productive.
Make yourself more and more independent from Supermarkets each day.
Know where your water comes from, and if you have the chance get it from a spring in the mountains.
Learn to fast and to go without food. It is so clearing for your body, mind, and spirit and it gives you longevity.
Regain your sovereignty and become more and more independent from the grid.
There is a saying which states: “Renouncement makes you free”.
And with this wish for you I will close for today!
Wishing you health, vitality, and freedom and may you live in Harmony with Mother Nature !
November11th Web Log
May our children walk in grace and in freedom
Reclaim your Innocence and stand up for your children !
We are all beloved daughters and sons of God and we have to remember who we really are in our true essence. We have become disconnected from the Earth through technology and a lifestyle that has brought us further and further away from the living Soil. There is a spiritual war going on right now and this battle is the battle for the human Heart and Soul.
From generation to generation old programs have been passed on based on un-reflected statements and belief patterns, mostly based on fear, guilt and shame. All these old systems and patterns seem to have reached a culmination point, a crowning, a peak point and a point of no return.
There is a lot of ugly stuff around children coming up to the light of truth, things that have been hidden in the dark for such along time.
These upcoming issues, trigger memories and trauma and can cause a lot of pain. Most people prefer to stay in a numbed down state of “cognitive dissonance” and ignorance. Meanwhile, universal waves of cosmic light are initiating a deep transformational process for our Planet and for humanity. This Photon light is bringing everything to the surface that has been hidden in the dark spaces of our sub conscious minds, to give us the chance to finally heal all old wounds, and to make peace with our ancestors and with our past.It is actually the wisdom of our ancestors that is needed in this time to help us move out of the technological nightmare and dependency we have been creating.We see the old systems falling apart right in front of our eyes and how are we going to survive when we do not know about simple basic skills ?The elders can teach us how to make a fire, how to bake bread, how to grow a garden, how to store food and so much more. They still know about the beauty of a simple and fulfilled life without needing much.
In this time this kind of wisdom is not much respected or honored. There is a “Youth Cult “ Society completely based on instant gratification, without considering the consequences of deeds and behavioral dysfunction. This ancient knowledge and spiritual principles that have been ridiculed for such a long time will be the very thing that will help humanity to make it through this transitioning time and great upheaval.Modern life has become way to complex and we have to find our way out of the cities and consumerism, back to a natural and healthy way of living and being with each other on this wonderful Planet.
The Earth is a living conscious being and it can teach us how to heal ourselves. She is like a loving mother embracing her children. She wants us to be like infants again and is assisting us to step out of the mechanical Tick- Tock Matrix of hard work and exploitation of resources and warfare, into a New Earth era, where we can thrive and finally live happy and free as sovereign beings.
The Master Jesus says in Mark 10:15:
“Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all.”
Meditate on this powerful statement. Contemplate on it, and have an honest look at your life. Have you become so serious and caught up in the Matrix and the every day life that you have lost your joy for life? Can you live in the present moment and look at the world with the eyes of a child with wonder and awe ?
Especially in this time of the great “ Pandemic” and all the fraud and deception around it, there seems to be a big lesson for all of us to learn.
How do we want to live in the near future? Did you ever wonder ?
Do we want our children to be vaccinated, forcing them to wear a mask, socially distancing them from each other, causing them to loose the connection to their souls? This would be a nightmare projection and I think we owe it to them and future generations to stand up against this madness to make sure that this is not going to happen.
There is at this time a very dark and sinister force at work that wants to cut humanity off from our Hearts and Soul centered innocence and human interconnection.
Rudolf Steiner predicted this process already in 1917:
“The time will come, and it may not be far off, when quite different tendencies will come up at a congress like the one held in 1912 and people will say: ‘It is pathological for people to even think in terms of spirit and soul.
‘Sound’ people will speak of nothing but the body. It will be considered a sign of illness for anyone to arrive at the idea of any such thing as a spirit or a soul. People who think like that will be considered to be sick and you can be quite sure of it ,a medicine will be found for this.
The soul will be made non-existent with the aid of a drug. Taking a ‘sound point of view,’ people will invent a vaccine to influence the organism as early as possible, preferably as soon as it is born, so that this human body never even gets the idea that there is a soul and spirit’.
I see it as our duty as healthy and responsible adults to clear the path for all children so that they can have a bright and wonderful future in freedom and maximum natural health. For this we have to be good examples in integrity and authenticity.
To make this vision our new reality we have to clean up our own house, have a deep look at our fears and programs and learn to stand upright with a strong backbone, against all false light and deception. We have to be able to stand in our authentic truth, encouraging our children to walk on this path together with us.
We are at a Crossroad and we have to make a choice which road we want to take.
Whether you be an adult or a child, for in truth nothing given to you by the Creator can ever be taken away from you, provided that you honor this gift.
Let us heal ourselves from old trauma, for our children, for the Planet and for future generations!
Let us all reclaim our Innocence!
Only You can know what is best for you!
Yes, I know,It has been ridiculed by the main stream media, the WHO ( World Health Organization) and “Health experts” in this time of the great “ Plandemic” ( as some people like to call it) but the truth is: You can heal yourself and the body has something that is called an immune system, do you remember ?
We have been slowly prepared to believe in the necessity of flu shots, or in the terrible dangers of the Swine flu and other pandemics.These Pandemics seem not to occur in Nature and therefore they leave one question: If it is man made what are the reasons behind such strange activity?
To follow this rabbit hole shall not be the main theme of this blog.
Nature has everything we need to heal ourselves and to strengthen our immunity.
Humans have mostly lost the connection to their body, their Soul and to Nature itself. Since years Healthcare has turned almost completely into a Disease Management, designed to distribute medication that is inefficient: For a good reason.Following the money it seems interesting that the Medical Association was founded by the Rockefellers in 1939 as the “Drug Trust Alliance” in connection with IG Farben Germany, and Bayer.I guess they had “our best interest in mind.”
In these days there seems to be a connection between the push for vaccinations and the mandatory wearing of masks forced upon us. Again we have to ask ourselves some very important questions. Who benefits from all these draconian measures ?
New models of Virology and Germ theories show clearly that there is no such thing as a virus jumping six feet from one person to another.
Wouldn’t this be the time to rediscover the importance of taking good care of our Health, instead of demanding another vaccination with harmful and untested side effects, or yelling at our fellow human being for not wearing a mask ?
The crisis of “the Virus” is coming to us as a gift with the chance to rethink our ways. The trend of giving our responsibility for our well being into the hands of so called experts has to be reversed, for the harm and intoxication caused in the long term is disastrous.
In times of the Internet and in the age of Information ignorance is not bliss, but a choice.
The body has an innate intelligence with the ability to self regulate, regenerate and to heal itself. This process is called Homeostasis. Doctors are fast in prescribing Antibiotics for every infection or disease.
ANTI— which means against and BIOS meaning life makes it clear that this kind of medication is not designed to build you up. They are well known to destroy the gut flora, which is making 80% of our immune system.
It is also known that Antibiotics actually are causing allergies and other inflammatory reactions in the body.
What you will need then is PRO BIOTIC ( healthy bacteria) which means FOR LIFE to rebuild the natural balance of healthy bacteria in your intestine.
If we understand these principals why would we not use them?
First you need to restore the balance in your body. Start with a healthy alkaline-acidic relation in your blood. Scratch off your menu any processed and de naturalized foods and substitute them with healthy wholesome, organic, fresh and raw produce.Eliminate refined sugar and white bleached wheat from your diet. Your diet should include supplements with digestive enzymes,Veggie juices with carrots, green celery, and apples which contain essential vitamins C, A, B-Complex and Vitamin E and Chlorophyll.
Blueberries and other berries are a rich source of natural antioxidants,Vitamins and other beneficial nutrients. Purple and dark red are the signatures of a special class of natural antioxidants called Anthocyanin. Anthocyanin performs amazing housekeeping jobs, including stocking the arteries with healthy levels of nitric oxide. As a result, Anthocyanin has a powerful role in protecting blood vessels and lowering blood pressure. Anthocyanin has highly anti-inflammatory properties.
Develop new habits that are fun and healthy and bring you vitality and endurance!
Rediscover Natural Home remedies. Our Ancestors intuitively knew how to restore and maintain health with simple, affordable plant based remedies!
These remedies all have one thing in common: They strengthen the immune system, and nourish the body with vitamins, minerals and trace elements. They have no negative side effects and they are designed by Mother Nature to really bring release and healing.
Lung infections or infections of the Respiratory System
Since these infections are caused by viruses, bacteria or mold, they all die off by higher temperatures. So we have to heat up the lungs and work with hot water.
1. Humidifier : it humidifies and add moisture to the air which helps eliminating sputum through coughing.
2. Hot Steam Bath : heat up 1l of water, add some Sea salt and essential oils that have antibacterial effects such as: Eucalyptus Oil,Peppermint Oil, Oregano Oil, Thyme Oil in a bowl and cover your head with a towel and inhale the hot steam
3. Drink plenty of warm liquids, hot Soup, Herbal Teas
4. Licorice: chewing licorice roots will increase immunity
5. Garlic: A clove of garlic can be crushed and eaten raw followed by a glass of warm water, best before bed or simply prepare a tea with it and drink it hot
6. Spices: Cloves, Ginger and Pepper should be consumed daily as a natural cure for lung infection
Herbal tea from Thyme, Sage or Rib worth are also precious gifts from Nature.
Hot Lemon, Ginger , Honey Water, & Cayenne Pepper are powerful Immune Boosters
Fresh grated ginger, juice of a pressed lemon, Honey, & Cayenne Pepper added to hot water and drink slowly.
You have the Vitamin C with the lemon and it alkalizes the blood.
Ginger is highly antiviral and heat generating. Raw Honey is antibacterial.
Cayenne Pepper opens up the blood vessels and cleanses the arteries.
High doses of Vitamin C & Vitamin D at least 1000 mg per day is recommended at this point in time!
And most important: Rest and allow the body to heal, sleep and take good care of yourself. Laugh and love a lot.That increases the healing process, stay positive and nurture your mind with prayer, meditation and a positive attitude.
Remember that what you focus on will grow, so focus on health. Envision yourself as healthy, happy and fulfilled. That makes all the difference.
Avoid main stream media, including T.V, News Papers, and the Internet. Connect with Nature and deepen a loving relation ship with yourself and everything around you. Fall in love with life itself.Learn to trust yourself.
Sharpen your intuition and try to understand the language of your body.
It is talking to you all the time. All you have to do is take some time to listen.
Only you know what is best for you !
Tempting the hens with organic chocolate
Monika’s Web Log : Effective Microorganisms
Years ago I was introduced to EM ( effective Microorganisms) and the work of Dr. Teruo Higa. I was fascinated right away and have had many amazing experiences with it since then.
I applied EM1 first in my own garden and was amazed by the fast improvement in the health of the soil. We have had our own compost started with EM ( which accelerates the fermenting process) and worked it into the garden beds. I observed that only in a few days infertile dirt turned into lush and vibrant soil, filled with “dancing Earth Worms”.
I further noticed that the plants grew much stronger and the fruits and vegetables were of the highest quality. There were no snails, bugs or other unwanted critters disturbing the growth. Flowers had a bright and healthy aura around them and the plants were hardy during the winter. The whole growing process seems to have accelerated. I am applying this method in any garden project I started since then with amazing results. People are just happy to see that gardening can be made so easy and fun. Oh, and by the way, there are way less weeds !
I wrote this blog to honor the man who discovered this effective mixture of micro-organisms and to introduce you to the bigger implications his discoveries might have for the whole planet in the long term.
If you have any questions or need support for your garden project please make an appointment with me for a Skype consultation.
If you live in the Nelson County area we can support you in person.There is a solution: Easy & Efficient Gardening with Effective Micro-Organisms*
“ The world is currently facing a time of great change and upheaval. I believe this condition has arisen mainly because of our present civilization becoming increasingly structured along the lines of competitive principles. An excessive reliance on competition certainly does not excite feelings of generosity and sharing.” Teruo Higa, 1996
In the 1980’s Dr. Teruo Higa (University of the Ryukyus in Okinawa) did some experiments with Microorganisms. Growing oranges on a big farm by using chemicals he saw the damage it did to his own health and to the environment. After many trials and errors he nearly gave up but inadvertently discovered the perfect combination of organisms that enriched the soil in a way that is miraculous and makes all chemical spraying obsolete.
His development of Effective Micro-organisms has brought him international recognition and now he provides guidance and assistance in the application and research of Effective Micro-organisms around the world.
The key is the combination of microbes
EM1 is an innovative bio-organic product. EM stands for Effective Microorganisms. EM1 concentrate consists of organic substances only.
It is based on lactic acid bacteria, photosynthetic microorganisms, true yeasts, and other biologically active components.
Once in the soil, the substance naturally begins fighting infection and viruses, fixing nitrogen, and enriching the soil. Already after the first application it accelerates plant growth significantly.
Co-Existence & Co-Prosperity
One of the most fundamental beliefs in Dr. Higa’s philosophy is that, “The essential condition for human happiness is the ability to do what one really loves, whatever that may be, throughout the course of one’s lifetime.” (P. 327, Teruo Higa, An Earth Saving Revolution)
In order for human society to prosper, it is essential that the environment, food supplies, and medical treatment be considered the common property of every man, woman, and child on earth. Once we are able to establish a system by which this may be accomplished, humanity will move closer to a state of truth and people will attain greater maturity, receive veneration as they get older, and be able to serve as assets of society. In order to attain such a state, it is necessary that human kind abandon its penchant for competitiveness and develop a new way of life based on coexistence and co-prosperity. ”
As you may notice these are complete different approaches and understandings of the everyday principals of life. We have been trained to believe that nature and bacteria are something dangerous that need to be combated. We were taught to believe that nature is based on competition and survival of the fittest. Meanwhile the contrary is true. Nature works on the principals of Co-operation, Symbiosis and Balance.
Cultivating a deep understanding of these Natural Laws provides us with real solutions from the living Earth itself to solve all the problems we are facing right now as a species.
Here are some of the benefits of applying EM
* You can use your garbage and turn it into valuable compost
* You can skyrocket the food production without using any pesticides because the plants are more resistant to disease and pests
* The treatment eliminates the need for dangerous and expensive chemical fertilizer
* You can regenerate contaminated grounds and desert areas. (large amounts of EM were used after the horrific accident at the Fukushima Power plant in 2011)
* EM fights different kinds of pollution
* Sustainable House Care
* You can use EM-X Gold also to heal your bodies by re-balancing the microbial flora in the gut
We applied EM1 very successfully in several garden projects in Germany and the USA. Infertile and dead dirt turned into lush soil. Vibrant vegetable plants, Berry bushes, and Fruit trees developed in miraculous ways. We were able to bring other varieties of trees back to life and transform almost dead lawns into fresh and green grass. The whole process only took a few weeks.
We highly recommend to use EM in your own garden for it also creates a healthy ripple effect both in the atmosphere and in the surrounding soils. It is quite a bit more than just a truly miraculous soil amendment!
You can also start making your own EM by simply using Brown Rice, Water, Milk and Sugar. You will need to experiment to find the right combination of Effective Microorganisms. There are several videos on YouTube and articles on the internet on how to do that.
“With EM products, common problems faced by human beings - food crises, environmental degradation, health care, etc., can be solved. Growing crops using EM products can help make both producers and consumers healthy and will enrich the ecosystem. EM will help farm sustainably, protect the environment and maintain people's health. It will help agriculture, animal husbandry, the environment, and society to transform into cyclic and sustainable, and will enable us to live in a society based on Co-Existence and Co-Prosperity.”
Dr. Teruo Higa
For more information and further reading visit: https://www.emrojapan.com/dr-higa/
Effective Microorganisms EM and EM・1 are the trademarks of Em Research Organization, Inc., Uruma City, Okinawa, Japan.
Envision your new life and hold that vision
The Canvas of Your Life: How to Use the Mind to Create the Life You Really Want.
’Your life is your canvas, you better paint it the way you want it, or somebody else will! ‘ Don Miguel Ruiz
In the morning of the 1st of January 2020 I awoke with a picture in my mind: I saw the year ahead as a white canvas, clean, clear, and unwritten. The promise of infinite possibilities was in the air and the picture is with me still. A lot of people I meet seem to be in their same old treadmill, despite all the resolutions and good intentions for positive changes and... I wonder : Does it have to be this way ?
If you are familiar with creating a Vision Board, or the theory of “The Law of Attraction” you might wonder why it’s working for some and for others, not. Why do some people heal and others don’t? Why do some people struggle with their lives and others seem to have ease and abundance? How is your own life going right now? What would you like to change?
A Matter of Energy and Vibration
First of all, we have to understand that everything is energy and vibration. The new models of Quantum Physics tell us that there is no solid matter as such. Everything is fields of information. There is a huge field of infinite possibilities and our choices make objects manifest. Every thought we think has a certain vibrational frequency so it makes sense that we have a choice over the outcome of our realities if we choose our thoughts accordingly.
Since everything is mind and everything is fields of information, you can change the information very quickly. By only changing your thoughts and your feelings you can change your environment. This explains why spontaneous healing can happen.
(I recommend the works of Dr. Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, and Dr. Joe Dispenza)
This gives responsibility over our life circumstances back into our own hands and we become aware that we are powerful creators, if we only knew how to use our minds. There is another powerful organizing principle at work and it is the Intention of our Soul. Most people in the modern civilized world have lost the connection to that infinite part inside themselves. The Divine Spark that connects us to the creative potential of the Universe.
It is essential to reconnect to the Soul. Everything our Soul has ever experienced in many life times is recorded in the Akashic records*. Our subconscious minds seem to hold all the past fears, traumas and despair. It is like a gigantic memory bank. All these emotions come along with a very dense energy. These lower frequency energies leave an imprint that is very powerful. We are here to outgrow our past circumstances and to balance, learn, and refine so that we don’t have to make the same experiences over and over again. The inspired intention of the Soul and the memory imprint defines the circumstances for the next incarnation.
It is said that we only use 5% of our conscious mind and 95% comes from habitual, patterned, unconscious reactions that put us on autopilot most of the time. This correlates with the world we are born into. The cultural programming starts, the moment that we are born. This programming blocks a lot of our creative potential.
Most people live in survival mode. If only we could understand how powerful we are and that our brains are way more than only processing units. We have so much more capacity than we actually use. And the truth is: Our ability to create is astounding and in fact: limitless. So, how can we use it in a way that serves us and the environment we live in in a positive and constructive way ?
Since everything is mind and everything is fields of information we can change these fields.
Reclaim your mind
’In these times we are living in it requires sovereignty of the mind. You don’t want to be a ‘Sheeple’ in these times’
Robert Phoenix, Astrologer
Most people do not even try to tap into that creative capacity. They rather like to stay in a dependent fearful state of survival. They don’t have the courage to think outside the box. Patterns of addiction and attachment dominate their lives.
Well, we live on a planet of free choice . We can use our free will however we wish.
How do you expect to create change in your life, when you do the same things every day, think the same thoughts as you did yesterday and these thoughts trigger the same feelings over and over again? It is simply not possible!
Let’s give ourselves permission to think anew! To use our creative potential in a completely new way. Envision for a moment the white canvas of your life: How would you paint it ? What colors would you use , what persons show up or a landscape. Allow yourself to use your mind in a new and playful way. Daydream. Invent something. It doesn’t need to be materialized, just allow your mind to flow. When we deny ourselves original thoughts it shuts down the communication to the Higher Mind. These higher and lighter energies can’t make their way through all the density of habitual thinking and emotions coming from fear and worry.
Allow yourself to listen to the guidance. What makes your heart sing ? What gives you a feeling of excitement, upliftment, and expansion? These inspired thought are coming directly from Spirit. These are the inspired thoughts coming through, getting your attention motivating you to take action and initiate the necessary changes in your life.
The quality of our life is no better and no worse than the quality of our thoughts.
So think about your own life. Are you happy where you are right now, with your health, wealth, and relationships? Be honest with yourself. Feel what is still in the way. What subconscious beliefs about yourself and how your life should be lived are you still holding on to?
How would the canvas of your life look, if you would finally start to create it ?
It’s very simple :
Changing habitual thoughts=> uplifting thoughts=> uplifted feelings =>more inspired decisions=> action that creates an outcome that we are really happy with!
More and more people are awakening to the truth that this is the real reason why we are here. ‘To follow our spark, our bliss,’ as Joseph Campbell said. We are here to be powerful creators, living the life that we wish for, lighthearted, fulfilled, and inspired. Living this way you might inspire others.
Your soul will know and it will support you in miraculous ways. This is where conscious creation of your life begins.
Do you want to live a dark, dull, patterned life, or a highly inspired life of joy and fulfillment ?
The choice is yours!
Wishing you an Amazing and Inspired Year 2020
* Akashic Records. According to Anthroposophy and Theosophy, the Akashic records are a synopsis of every single human event, thought, word, and emotion, which have ever occurred in the past, present, or future. Furthermore, they are believed to be encoded in an invisible field of existence referred to as the Etheric Plane.
How to raise your vibration in challenging times!
’Love opens you to the world, which allows you to bring in the joy, the energy, and the happiness. Fear closes you down…
Love enhances energy, fear shuts the energy down.’
Dr. Bruce Lipton
Hi everyone,
I guess we all feel it; Times are changing in accelerating speed and it seems to be harder than ever before to keep up with the demands that are put upon us and to stay in our center. Everything that was kept in the dark for so long is rising up to the surface and the energy around us feels dense and hostile. Nothing seems to be as it used to be and that causes a lot of fear in people all over the globe.
Fear is the lowest vibration. It causes us to react from our deepest unconscious patterns of defense, and survival, and it shuts us down. Meanwhile there is another energy at the horizon, that is based on Love and Compassion. It is opening us up to the light of truth that shines on every dark corner in our own inner world and inevitably in the outer world. We need to have the courage to face these uncomfortable truths and walk that path from the darkness of fear and low vibration to the highest vibration, which is the love inside our hearts.
The incoming new energies are so intense and our body, mind and spirit have to go through deep cleansing and transformation processes like never before in human history. It is therefore essential to really take good care and treat ourselves with much self love and self compassion. It is essential to keep our vibration high and to not be dominated by stress or fear or negativity.
It is about time to let go of doing things in the same old ways and to allow ourselves to try new methods to great our everyday life with more fun and more ease.
There is always a Choice and a Solution
Allowing Stress to rule our lives is a Choice and it takes some practice to observe and know ourselves enough to find out what triggers us; what is challenging for us and the negative charge around the issue that causes these challenges. Mostly it is not as complicated as it might seem to be.
Some people simply lose it when their blood sugar levels sink to a dangerous low level and turn into a wild tiger from one moment to another.
So make sure you have the energy bars or healthy snacks at hand at any time. Learn to develop a taste for healthy foods that are nourishing and vitalizing. If you feel crappy you have the need for crappy food and that doesn’t help at all !
Some people simply just need a rest or a nap to get back into a good shape again. A short “Power Nap” of only 15 minutes recharges your energy completely !
Our basic needs have to be fulfilled, so that we can function in an optimum way. Some people just need a little walk, some fresh air or a loving hug. No matter what it is you need, please honor that and do not hold on to your tasks like a pit bull; It costs so much more energy! Taking breaks in between, you become much more efficient !
Devote yourself single-mindedly to anything you do!
Instead of long “To Do Lists” that overwhelm just by looking at them, single minded devotion to a task is the secret to productivity, happiness and mindfulness that you can practice right now, and every day.
If it is only one task you get done in a day, you do it with the intention to do it brilliantly! Please don’t beat yourself up for not getting everything done that was standing on your list. Pat yourself on the back for what you have done. That is much more encouraging and motivating. This is an act of true self love and acceptance.
Control your Mind and Master Your Emotions
There are numerous other wonderful methods that help you to up level your energy and raise your vibration. One is called NLP ( Neurolinguistic Programming) which works with Pattern Interrupt: You learn how to redirect Your Thoughts In An Instant and turn a negative pattern into something uplifting and positive.
Another tool which is very helpful for me is EFT(Emotional Freedom Technique). It is based upon tapping specific points along some meridians combined with messages of self love and care, dissolving the problem you want to address. It brings release and transformation in only a few minutes. It deeply relaxes and the energy starts to flow again. It even works for severe headaches. I like to use the tap sequences with Brad Yates. You can find him on Youtube for free!
It is short, clear and very effective way to master your emotional state.
Stay in Your Center
Practice Meditation and cultivate Stillness as much as possible. In these challenging times we are bombarded with so much information and...
dis-information and it is hard to discern what is true and what is not true. There is a lot of fear out there and fear is the lowest energy level you can live on. When we meditate, we connect with the divine inside of us and we recognize that the world is a stage and that we are on an infinite Soul Journey. It helps us to stay focused and centered and our intuition gets sharpened, helping us to discern what is true for us and what is not.
We are able to see the bigger picture and we develop equanimity independent from the outer circumstances. We cultivate that deep inner peace which has an energetic ripple effect into our environment and The Field at large. The brain and nervous system develop new neurological pathways and this helps us to respond in new ways to stressful situations.
I recommend the guided meditations of Dr. Joe Dispenza!
Here is one on Youtube that is called Rest and Renew:
Deep Breathing helps you to connect to the present moment and helps your body and mind to calm down.
Listening to some relaxing and calming music is another wonderful way to let your stress levels melt down. 582 Hz frequencies are supposed to have the most healing and calming effect. Classical music uplifts your spirit too.
Do something that you really love to do and do not see anything as work!
Forgiveness is the key
If you have some emotional turmoil going on, the Hawaiian Forgiveness Ritual, Ho’oponopono is very helpful. It works with the four sentences:
I am Sorry
Please Forgive Me
I love You
Thank You
You envision the situation or person that you have difficulty with and you repeat these sentences over and over until you feel a sense of relief and deep inner peace.
These are just a few methods that might help you. Find out what resonates most with you and what works for you.
Give it a try and always remember it is mostly about a Pattern Interrupt.
When you let go and give your busy mind a break and interrupt a habitual pattern of solving a problem, you will see miraculous changes in your life.
You start to get a new perspective and you will see challenges as tools for
personal growth and development. It might be something as simple as having a glass of water.
The choice is yours, either to stay miserable, overwhelmed, and stressed out, or to Take the Power Back into Your Own Hands by changing your energy and vibrating on a higher level, and this way you will be a good example for the people around you.
In this transformative Time we a have a choice to see the enormous opportunities for personal growth and positive change and to awaken us to be the compassionate and loving human beings that we truly are.
All these methods are helpful to free us from old programs, that kept us imprisoned for so long. A new time has come and the old energy has to go for something new for something better, for something amazing !
It is the path from Fear to Love, from Surviving to Thriving !
From the darkness of the unconsciousness in to the pure light of consciousness.
There is so much love to share, so much confidence, so much wisdom.
So much unlimited potential and so many new ways to be !
Have the courage to live from the heart.
We can do this…
One person at a time,
One step at a time
and with the understanding that we are all in this together!
With Love, Monika
Healing means your are in alignment with your true Nature
Vitamin D from Sunshine, fresh ocean breeze and air to breathe
Blueberries are the best source of Anti-Oxidants
Vitamin C and Ginger the perfect combination to boost your immunity
Fresh, Wild Melissa
Rest, restore and heal…
Micro Greens and the Power of the Tiny Things
Powerful nutrient dense Sprouts..
Web Log November 24th 2020
Micro Greens and the Power of the Tiny Things
I lately witnessed in a Super Market a young couple with a baby, having their cart loaded with tons of food with no nutritious value at all. Starting with Coke and other sweet drinks, tons of White Toast, Meat, Chips and other undefinable strange and artificial looking stuff. The bill for all this was $529 for nothing but thin air and sugar. I was shocked. I thought about how they could have spent way less money on high Quality nutrient dense Organic Food, lasting them for at least a few weeks. The movie Food Matters came to my mind, where a natural Healer was passionate and tirelessly teaching Families with low income, how to cook from a budget of $5 per day. Instead of investing into cheap Junk Food, he is suggesting to buy a sack of brown rice, some fresh herbs, garlic and Olive Oil , some veggies, apples, raisins, oats that can feed the whole family with simple nutrient dense and healthy food.
Avocados: one of the most amazing Super foods on the planet..
Lately I heard David Avocado Wolfe saying that you can easily feed yourself by only eating 2-3 Avocados per day and a bowl of fresh green sprouts.
Simple concepts like this catch my attention right away.
In these times of Lockdowns and the crumbling of infrastructure and uncertain food supplies, it is essential that we have a completely new understanding about what food is and how to optimize our nutrition.
The eating habits in our society are mostly based on sensual foods, meaning that they please the senses for instant gratification, rather then making conscious choices about what our body really needs.
I heard it first in a John Lennon Song: “You know that what you eat you are”, and in a Japanese prayer they say: ”Itadakimas” meaning : “ this I now become” before every meal. This attitude shows a deep understanding that everything we do, say, or think has a deep affect on everything inside of us and on the environment around us. A conscious prayer of gratitude and a thoughtful choice what we take in has a deep impact on the cellular level. We literally become what we eat. It is all a matter of consciousness.
The current situation needs a rethinking of our consumer behaviors and habitual patterns. A shift of consciousness from Quantity and low energy foods, towards Quality and nutrient dense foods must happen. Our lifestyle has become very complacent and has depleted us from our vital life energy.
Fluoride in the water, Sugar and Chemicals in the foods, Factory Farming and other toxic factors diminish the function of our Pineal Gland, which is a direct antenna of our intuition. It is the seat of our Soul, it is the portal which gives us access to other dimensions. ( more about the Pineal Gland in my next blog)
Our psychic abilities are about to awaken at this point of time. We need to de-calcify this gland to open our psychic centers. We need to be healthy, vibrant and strong to make it through this stormy time. A change in the way we nurture ourselves is essential. This is where nutrient dense foods come in. Watercress is an excellent SuperFood to de-calcify the Pineal Gland, also Cilantro and Parsley.
Micro Greens and Sprouts such as Mung Beans, Broccoli, Peas, Alfalfa, Radish or Kale Seeds are very delicious and high in Protein and Minerals. They are extremely high in Enzymes, which are a catalyst for the metabolism to get the most energy out of your food. Sprouts are packed with Vitamins and Antioxidants, which help to prevent inflammation and infection.
Sprouted seeds are a rich Source of Vitamins E and B. They alkalinize the blood which is basic for preventing any kind of ailments in the body.
It is easy to make them at home or even when you travel. They do not need sunlight to grow, which makes it the perfect fresh green during the winter. All you need are some jars with a mesh net or use some cheese cloth to cover the top.
Let a few tablespoons of sprouting seeds soak in water over night. Then rinse and drain them through your net lid and repeat that twice a day as long as necessary.Set your jars top down at an angle on the counter. Do not expose them to direct sunlight. In only 3-7 days you have some powerful sprouts.
You can store your sprouts in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.
(There are plenty of videos on YouTube on how to make sprouts)
Herbs and herbal teas are another vital source of positive nutrients. They aid in digestion, purify the blood, and contain a lot of healing properties.
Set up your own little herbal pots at home or in your garden, if you have the space. Our ancestors knew about the healing power of Nature and its medicinal gifts for humanity. Reconnect to this ancient wisdom. Study, and re-learn everything that you have been taught about nutrition or health.
Humans have become so degenerated and genetically modified, that we now find ourselves on the crossroad of ‘Irreversibility’. Healing and a new understanding about basic life principles and Natural Law need to overwrite the artificial programming that has been taken place since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Nature is our best teacher. Learn from Mother Earth.
Everything has its rhythm and its time. We cannot survive as a species on this planet if we do not play by these rules.
Reduce the amount of the food you take in. There is a golden rule that says you should only be satisfied by 75%. Stay hungry. Give your organism the chance to process and digest. Overeating and excessive consumption of de-naturalized “junk food” has a devastating effect not only on your health, but also on your mental, emotional and spiritual state.
Get inventive and start to cook at home. The Lockdowns of so many Restaurants are a good chance for us to return to cooking our own food again.
Food prepared with love and your own energy is essential for your well being.
Start to bake your own Sourdough bread. It is the most rewarding thing to have the smell of fresh baked bread in your house. No more sterile plastic packaged ‘food’.
Use the time you have to stay at home wisely and productive.
Make yourself more and more independent from Supermarkets each day.
Know where your water comes from, and if you have the chance get it from a spring in the mountains.
Learn to fast and to go without food. It is so clearing for your body, mind, and spirit and it gives you longevity.
Regain your sovereignty and become more and more independent from the grid.
There is a saying which states: “Renouncement makes you free”.
And with this wish for you I will close for today!
Wishing you health, vitality, and freedom and may you live in Harmony with Mother Nature !