One of the greatest geniuses of our time…

 “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” – Buckminster Fuller

This blog was inspired by Jan J. Kassl Lichtweltverlag / Austria


I translated the message from German into English because I feel it is so important right now, that we take our energy out of the collapsing system and to invest wisely in a future that we want to live in as humanity. The currant situation urges us to find solutions to the mess that was created. We must learn to take responsibility for our choices and actions. When we overcome our differences and the illusion of separation, and when we stop fighting each other, we can see ourselves as brothers and sisters and as unique expressions of the divine Creative Source. The time of waiting for outer authorities to save us, or tell us what to do is over! We are capable and able to create Heaven on Earth together as it was meant to be from the beginning. Start always with yourself first, demonstrate the change you want to see unfolding. Live from the heart as much as you can, trust your creative capabilities, set the positive intention and the rest will follow!


“ It didn't happen overnight. There wasn't this one moment, the big event in the media, the point in time when you could say: “Now the old order is gone and the new one is beginning.” There was no worldwide rejoicing and no fireworks. It happened unnoticed by most, quietly...

When people finally realized, after years of resistance and what seemed to be a futile and very tough struggle, that the moment in question would never come as long as they waited for it... they made what was probably the most important decision of their time, and the new world could finally be born. It was built parallel to the old structures. We realized that it was up to each and every one of us and that we have been standing in our own way for a long time.

“There was no paradise waiting for us, we had to create it”

And so we shifted our time, attention, and energy away from the currents of fear, suffering, anger, hate, revenge, punishment and destruction of the old - towards building the new world as we envisioned it. We stopped fighting the old deadlocked society, freed ourselves from the idea that if we just had to force the rest of the people to wake up, everything would be fine...

Because the frog was completely soft-boiled by now, and no matter how hard you tried, the pressure would increase even further, it would achieve nothing, but only harm our loved ones. There was a rethinking. We created new structures, new organizations, communities and governments, and just let go of the old world. We simply turned our backs and walked away. We made ourselves self-sufficient and independent. We no longer needed the old system. When other people saw how much nicer, freer and easier life was in the new world that we were showing them, they flocked with us. They left their old jobs, their banks, insurance companies, government and partnerships, their hospitals and unhealthy supermarkets, took their children out of the forced indoctrination institutions ("schools") of the time, and joined us.

“What happened was what nobody expected: People simply stopped participating. “

They ignored the old system, draining it of all energy and making it redundant. The new grew and grew... and only a die-hard few still stuck to their old rules, taxes and regulations. They screamed and struggled, but they just wouldn't let go. They didn't want to believe that we had created a new paradise on Earth, completely different from what they had imagined. Without destroying the old system, without violence, without struggle, without large-scale coup or revolution, only with the help of our creativity and creative power, we created a new community in parallel, based on love, compassion, voluntarism, and giving instead of taking.

We showed them a real alternative to the previous one. Everyone was well taken care of, perfectly healthy and beamed with joy, zest for life and zest for action. There was no competition, envy, or resentment among one another, for our souls were simply unable to feel these lower vibrations. At that time, many had problems making this decision for themselves because they were waiting for an external event that would signal the start. They preferred to continue to focus their entire day's work on combat and destruction, and the compulsion to wake up everyone else before they could move on to the next phase. In the meantime, we were building our world with real free people, far removed from the internet and social media, where the struggle continued... for this was only virtual, and a matrix that held people captive.

“In the real world, paradise was already within reach”

So, maybe it is time to ask ourselves what we need to change? Where do we want to invest our precious time and energy, so that we can turn things around for the better? It all starts within YOU, precious one, and the time is NOW!