There is enough for all of us
November blog
New Villages for the New Earth
Inspired by the work of Ralf Otterpohl
A Prayer for the New Earth
“ May all humans,Whales and Dolphins,
all animals and plants and our planet
be well, healthy, and vibrant.
I do not fall any longer for the many temptations of cold materialism.
Greed, traumatization and exploitation belong to the old World. They are dissolving!
I become aware that I am an immortal Soul.
I am able to dissolve Trauma, Entanglements and Karma.
I discharge the poisons.
I create my life as a visionary with Heart, with my hands
and with common sense.
We are conscious human beings, sovereign and free.
I am co-creating the Garden and the New Earth.
I use my intellect with joy, guided by my heart.
My life path is my Soul Path.
Everything is here for a good future for all!
More and more people are now becoming
the co-creators of the New Earth.
by Ralf Otterpohl (Neues Dorf für Neue Erde)
We are in a time of immense pressure to change our ways of living and being on this planet from pure materialism and disconnect from Nature and the Spirit World, towards a civilization that is based on love, appreciation, and harmony with the Universe. We all have become complacent and addicted to a life style that little by little has gotten us into total dependence and powerlessness. Safety and infinite economic growth has been promised to us.This trap of security and passive consumerism has come with a huge price. This price as we see comes with the loss of freedom, self determination, true health and true values.It is about to cost us our humanness and life on this planet, if we do not start taking things in our own hands now.
All of a sudden (not so sudden for those who have carefully observed and studied the Agendas of the “ Powers that be” Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 ) this lifestyle is now rapidly coming to an end by an artificially created energy crisis, to bring about fear of starvation, freezing and death. This brings up unresolved trauma from past generations that need to be finally looked at resolved and healed. The traumatization of World War II and other abominations on the human heart can be healed. A lot of therapies have been developed in the past years that will help to transform all these old wounds of separation.This transformational work must be done for there is no moving on into the New Earth with all our shadows and unhealed traumatic experience. When we are emotionally free, no one can manipulate us and all the propaganda tactics will not work anymore. We become self responsible and this brings us back into our own personal power and true potential.
A new movement is quickly growing. People are starting to ask questions about the official narrative.They start to remember who they really are and they are looking for new ways and solutions out of the mess that we all co-created.They realize what we have done to each other, to the planet, and other sentient beings.They are losing trust in fancy Hollywood Film Stars, false glamour, false Science, and empty government promises. They want real life and freedom instead of artificial and robotic setups.
It seems that we are now getting one last chance to turn around to live in peace and harmony with the cosmos. It is the Elementals of Nature that are calling us to reconnect with the spirits of every plant, every rock and every tree.The little folks are calling us to treat all life on the planet with mutual respect.Everything has spirit and everything has a soul and we must live by these basic universal principals if we ant to transition to a new way of being. What we do to others we do to ourselves because we are all connected. We have taken from the Earth and others for such a long time and now we must start to give back to Mother Earth and heal the damage that we have done.
According to Sam Hess, a Visionary and clairvoyant from Switzerland, our planet actually belongs to the Elementals and we have disrespected and abandoned them.This is the reason why they withdrew from the Earth plane and that is the reason why we are in such big trouble now.
We must turn things around and we surely can!
When we finally withdraw our attention from the hypnotic apocalyptic scenario on T.V.Screens and other forms of media, we can finally connect to a reality that is real and peaceful and the future becomes a joyful exciting possibility again! When we are in Nature we feel the deep peace and natural Order.We become calm and centered. From this stillness we can create the new Earth.The guidance from the spirit world is here.
The spirits of Rudolf Steiner, Victor Schauberger, Nikolai Tesla, Christ, Buddha and many others are here to assist us and help us through this crisis.
Spirituality has become a necessity. It is an active way of living and participating in a constructive and positive way driven by love and the will to serve, nourish and thrive. Mediation and other breathing techniques and a healthy organic nutrition will sharpen our intuition that will guide us towards “ true north!” It helps us to stay calm in the midst of the storm.The time of false teachings, religious doctrine, prophets and Gurus is over. In the new energy only what is pure and based on truth will be able to exist.It is not a passive way of living and we will be asked to participate actively and responsibly.We must come around with positive and new visions for all aspects of life.The old world is falling apart with a lot of noise and the new is not yet here Eckart Tolle once said. We need new visions for our cities, education system, healing, agriculture, art, commerce, technology and science.
Nobody will do this for us, WE have to do it!
There are a lot of very creative and capable people waiting for the right moment to freely implement and introduce their inventions. I highly recommend the works and ideas of Ralf Otterpohl who has worked out a wonderful vision for the New villages for the New Earth. Check out his website :
He is currently working with students in North America to bring out a version of the German book “Neues Dorf - Neue Erde” that could help to reshape cities and communities all over America and the World. Here is the link to the book: 3756534316
The secret now is to down scale and to go local.The more small groups there are, the less they can be controlled or infiltrated. We should not continue building up large corporations that are based on profit and infinite expansion.The new economy will be centered on human interaction, fairness,creativity and abundance for all. Small farms and gardens are going to overtake large mono cultures and Agribusiness that have already destroyed so much of our precious top soil.
Did you know that 75% of our healthy vibrant Mother Soil is already dead and contaminated and needs to be brought back to life again?
If we want clean drinking water and fertile soil, we must first bring back life into the Earth.Living microorganisms are doing that, fungus and bacteria are doing that.We must stop plowing and poisoning our ground with Glyphosate and pesticides. Further it is necessary to look at plants and “ weeds “ in a different way. What we mindlessly tear out as a “ weed” is mostly a very powerful healing herb, such as Dandelion or Red Clover. Nature has everything we need for our healing, we can learn everything from her if we start listening again.
The regeneration of the Soil can be done by means of biodynamic principals as it was developed by Rudolf Steiner. These methods of respectful farming bring back life to the Earth and will produce food that is rich in nutrients, minerals and trace elements. Josephine Porter did an excellent job to bring the principals of regenerative agriculture to the USA and her daughter Abigail Porter is still offering workshops .You can find her work at :
We also work on our Earthwise.Live farm with Effective Micro Organisms developed by Dr.Higa in Japan:
We had excellent results and our plants became vibrant and healthy.This way of farming and gardening will also guarantee us a rich harvest and will support us in bonding with the Earth and with each other. Cities will be surrounded by gardens to support the people.Communities are building.Children will be brought out from a dead and sterile city environment. They will get their fingers dirty and their immune systems will work again.This will set a new spark of life in everyone.
Seaweed from the oceans will be one of our main food sources.
Perfect recycling systems will distill energy from all the waste.
New ways of bartering and trading will be part of the everyday life. All we need to know we learn from Nature and many of us already know the way.
Long ridiculed as the tree huggers, tin foil heads, and conspiracy theorists, we are the ones who are prepared for the change that is right in front of us.
It is our duty to educate ourselves and to gain the knowledge needed for this time. We share our experience with others. We step up and help wherever we can. We must have the courage to speak up and stand for life, truth, love and for our children. Despite the ridicule and the ostracizing “ We the People” are going to turn things around. We have everything that is needed to thrive and to take the leap of faith into a positive future. Everything is already here for all of us.
There is work that needs to be done and we must come together to exchange our ideas and visions.The New Earth is already here and is waiting for our active participation.
What is your vision?
Share it with the world and it will bloom endlessly.
please contact us for exchange of visions: