Weblog July 2022
by Monika Schneider Stone
inspired by Karl Gamper and Götz Wittneben
The Economy of Connectedness and the Ascent of Man
“ Someday, after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love; and then for the second time in the history of the world, humanity will have discovered fire.”
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
“Love is the most powerful and still most unknown energy in the world. “
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Do you realize how much we have been trained to believe how terrible we are, how useless and insignificant, a danger for the earth and especially now, for the climate. According to the Georgia Guide stones, the Main Stream Media and other agendas we must be reduced to 500 Million people and all means of our creativity and production handed over to a handful of crazy people who know what is best for us…
I will not continue following this dark path of some psychopathic nightmare visions for our planet, but if you are awake and aware you have noticed already that something is seriously wrong with the official narrative and propaganda.
I hope my words will challenge you to rethink where you may have fallen for the “ green agenda” that is now showing its ugly face and backside. The “Green Party” that has exploited people’s love, the wish for peace,who care for the planet and Nature are now used especially in Germany to propagate War and weapon delivery to the Ukraine.
How much do you believe that there are too many “useless eaters”, that there are too many people on the planet, even though I heard that if we put all humans together in one spot it would just fill up the state of Texas!
How guilty do you feel to drive a car, to use water, electricity and living an abundant life ?
Well, I did! I admit.
When I heard Karl Gamper talking about Teilhard de Chardin and the work of the Russian Scientist Ilya Prigogine, the Noosphere, the Omega Point and human evolution of consciousness I started to think and feel differently about these issues and for that I am very grateful.
What if 8 billion humans on the planet are the solution and not the problem?
8 billion humans are the solution. Ilya Prigogine was born in Moscow in 1917. He was one of the most brilliant thinkers of the 20th century. In 1977 he received the Nobel Prize . Ilya Prigogine proved beyond a doubt that a system needs a certain AMOUNT of participants to jump to the next level. So, it's less about the quality and more about the quantity. This is contrary to the belief that only quality counts when it comes to an evolutionary leap in consciousness on this planet.The world population will be around 8 billion people in 2022. That's enough people for the 'human system' to jump to the next higher level. There seems to be a certain pressure needed to make the necessary changes. Ilya Prigonine could proof this by observing the life of ants and how they organize and work together. He stated that one single ant would just be lost. We need many to learn from each other and thrive. That is sensational. This is groundbreaking. People have known this for decades and countless magazines and articles have pointed out this fact. Nobody seems to want to hear about this. Prigogine in particular, although awarded the highest academic honors, never reached a wide audience. The indoctrinated error in people's heads that the increase in world population is the problem is too rigid. The exact opposite is the case.
Increasing the world population is the solution
Indeed, world population growth is the solution! How can this solution look like? First there has to be a shift of perception. This means that enough people wake up from the hypnosis of separation and start feeling and recognizing the connectedness of all life.
This is the actual awakening that may be upon us.
At the same time this realization gives us back our dignity and royalty as humanity. As soon as the opposition and the fighting each other over differences turns into unity and acceptance, the rabble rousing propaganda is over. It’s over with all this psychopathic madness. Is it over with all the small-minded political hick-hack, the debating, the fighting. The solution is the cohesion of people AND the involvement of the forces of nature, the organic, lively, conscious, co-creative unity with nature.
“It is all a question of awareness combined with a shift in perception, towards the connectedness towards a WE, towards a We-IQ, towards emotional intelligence. “
Karl Gamper
How should this happen you may ask ?
Well, it is it is all starting with you!
“The more relationship, the more complexity, the stronger the flow of consciousness, for Teilhard de Chardin, consciousness, relationship and the personal are an unbreakable triad . Each implies the other and cannot be sustained apart from the other.”
By shifting your perception radically which comes from the latin word” radix” the root in a very disciplined way. What you then see are solutions. You twill all of a sudden see possibilities and opportunities. You will then attract people who think like you, who offer the solutions and we already have these solutions in practically all areas of life since a long time. We know how to clean the oceans. We know how to reforest the forests. We know how to set up regenerative agriculture. We know what a circular economy that serves everyone could look like. Because we know about an economy of connectedness. We know how New Learning could be organized. We know how to activate the body's self-healing powers and we know about the enormous powers of self-organization and autopoiesis. There are patents stored in dusty drawers that would completely solve all the manufactured problems and crisis we are facing right now. The economy would blossom. There would be free energy. There are solutions for everything, when we finally give up the madness of separateness, coming from the heart, love and acceptance for each other, and honor all life on this beautiful planet.
As Teilhard de Chardin pointed out so wonderfully: “
“We are indeed approaching the Omega Point. This convergence however is not a convergence of merely minds or bodies, but of heart. By connecting the hearts the ultimate wholeness and power of unification is achieved!”
“When matter is becoming disturbed by non-equilibrium conditions, it organizes itself. It wakes up. It happens that our world is a non Equilibrium System.”
Ilya Prigogine
It seems by law of physics, that we are destined to organize ourselves and to discover fire for the second time. I guess it is called the Fire in the Heart of Man.
The challenges we are facing are perfectly orchestrated to help us awaken to the fact that change is inevitable and that uncertainty is the fertile ground for creativity and the expansion of consciousness. Once we loose our fear we are free and we become the collaborators in creation. I think that this is the real reason we are here.
8 billion people are the solution. This amount is sufficient for this consciousness shift to occur. This was proven by the Nobel Prize winner and honorable man Ilya Prigogine and I feel he has got it right. I can see my fellow humans in a completely different light now, no matter where they are on their path. My perception shifted from judgement to acceptance and my resistance turned into compassion.
With this last quote from Pierre Teilhard de Chardin I will leave you for today. May you be encouraged to open your hearts and minds forever to solutions and possibilities. On this path you are not alone. It is through your Love that everything changes!
“Remain true to yourself, but move ever upward toward greater consciousness and greater love! At the summit you will find yourselves united with all those who, from every direction, have made the same ascent. For everything that rises must converge.”
May God’s blessings be with you at all times
Monika Schneider Stone