Sunset over the Austrian Alps at 11,500 ft
A Brief Guide for Becoming A SuperNatural HumanBeing
What does it mean to be Super-Natural?
Here are some basic guidelines to begin right away feeling awesome!
Wake up in the morning and no matter how you are feeling, say a Prayer (aloud) of your Gratefulness for this brand new day.... For the opportunity to become the absolute best version of yourself, and to create an environment of love and kindness for yourself and all those with whom you will interact today.
The first food you take in the morning should be fresh spring or well water or some room temperature beverage which is local in origination. Local meaning having been produced in the area where you are living. This enables you to stay in harmony with your immediate environment and to maintain a sense of balance and centeredness.
Wake up your body by scrubbing your entire body with a stiff body brush until your skin is stimulated (this opens the pores and removes dead skin. Immediately following this body brushing, jump in the shower, allowing only cold water to wash over your entire body for at least two minutes. Dry off with a coarse towel (not a towel which has been treated with fabric softener).
For the next one half hour to one hour, practice a form of yoga which resonates with your current level of energy and intuitive needs. It could be a day where you feel you could use a bit more heart opening or perhaps your lower back is stiff from splitting wood the day before. Use your intuition and above all, Listen to your heart as it is always right. Immediately following your yoga session, sit in quiet meditation, watching your mind, but not attaching to any particular thought... Let thoughts come and let them go. Try to remain absolutely still for at least fifteen minutes. In the Perfect, Brilliant Stillness, one finds the answers to all of life’s questions.
A simple activity which connects us to our original vibrant, natural ‘Being-ness’ is walking barefoot in Nature... Yes, barefoot! The grounding effects of walking barefoot on the Earth, especially on the dew laden grass in early morning, is where free electrons from the living Earth are transferred into your body. This is one of the most potent healing and anti-oxidant therapies known to man. Evidence of this healing is demonstrated by the tingling sensation you feel on the soles of you feet. This ‘electric pulse’ enters the nerves on the soles of the feet and travels throughout the whole body and, in a sensitive person, enlivens the entire nervous system. If it is early enough in the morning, the stars and planets will still be visible and you will experience not only Earth’s nourishing energy but ‘Heaven’s’ as well. At last, it is time for breakfast.
Breakfast - Whole grains are part of the morning meal for many humans living a long and healthy life, especially in ‘Blue Zones’ * of the world. Whole oats cooked overnight, Oatmeal, or Soft Brown rice are great ways to begin your day and these whole grains provide you with stamina and endurance. A simple Miso soup, with Wakame seaweed, fresh scallions or chives, and Miso, is recommended for many reasons mentioned here on our website. A few slices of homemade Sourdough bread with Apple butter or some other local/in season fruit spread is an excellent addition. As a hot beverage, Kukicha (Bancha tea) is ideal or a non caffeinated tea to maintain a balanced mood throughout the day.
Now you are ready for anything and you will surely be in control of your environment instead of the other way around. As you move through your day, remember to be grateful for everything that happens and realize that it is all unfolding just as it should. Be kind to everyone you encounter and remain open for all possibilities. There’s more to come, but let this sink in for now. Ciao!