Natural Remedies Blog Part IV

Natural Remedies Blog Part IV

 Natural Pain Relief

30-50% of America’s population suffers from chronic pain and most of us have had to deal with pain at one time in our lives. We are very fast with oppressing the symptoms, just taking an Aspirin or an Ibuprofen when it gets too uncomfortable and who has the time to really listen to what the body has to tell ?
Be sure, that when you are diagnosed as “Incurable”, it means, that it can only be cured from the inside out. So we must dive deep and get to the real cause of the symptoms and find solutions.

The fact of the matter is: ” You cannot drug people into Health”
                                                                  ( Dr. John Bergman, Chiropractor. CA)

The side effects of chemical painkillers are very harmful to the body and only give short term relief. Please get rid of toxic medication and find a natural cure. We have to understand that pain is an adaptive response andit is the body’s attuned way to restore balance. Pain is the signal of the body that there is a problem. To suppress the symptoms means to take away the body’s ability to be aware of itself. Chronic Pain causes enormous stress and with time it changes the structure of the brain. Taking medication only makes you unaware of these changes and the real cause of the problem will never be addressed. Your body has the ablity to regenerate and heal itself.
We need to learn to listen to our bodies and understand how Nature has everything we need to heal ourselves. When we reconnect to this wisdom we have a 100% chance to get our health and vitality back and that means we take our life and responsibility for our own well being into our own hands.

If you suffer  from any pain conditions I hope you find some valuable information here to help yourself.

1. The number one reason for aches like headaches, migraines, back pain, and other conditions is related to an imbalance in the spine. I highly recommend to see a Chiropractor to adjust your spine. The spine is the neural pathway and all the nerves supply the organs in the body. So if there is any blockage it can     cause a lot of symptoms that you would not relate necessarily to the spine.

But actually the secret to perfect health begins with a healthy spine. If you live in the USA, I highly recommend Dr. John Bergman in Huntington Beach CA .

2. Drink plenty of water !
It is very important to stay hydrated and to have enough electrolytes for optimal nerve function. It can help with headaches and dizziness. It cleanses the body.
Drink a lot of liquids such as fresh juices and Teas. Avoid coffee, for it increases pain response and has a disturbing effect on the Nervous System.

3. Practice deep breathing !  ( Breath is FREE)
When we are in pain we tend to stop breathing and our Breath gets shallow. We want to avoid to feel the pain which makes it even worse, because we do not have enough oxygen in the blood and the tension increases even more.
Start with deep belly breathing. You inhale deep into the belly so that it blows up like a balloon, then higher up into the upper belly, then let it widen your rib cage and lungs and then up to open the collar bone area, then pause for a moment and the let the out breath move from your collar bone down to the upper belly, down to the lower belly and in the end  pull the navel slightly in . Then start all over. Do this for a few minutes.
The moment you focus on breathing your mind gets distracted from the pain and you might find some relief and relaxation.
Another method is to just breathe into the pain, go directly to the source, fill it up completely, set an intention to melt it away and let go. You can also envision light surrounding the affected area as you breathe. Find out what feels good for you, but please BREATHE !

Did you know that most Pain Symptoms are related to STRESS ?

4. Meditation and Daily Prayer:  It is scientifically proven that Meditation has a calming and harmonizing effect on the brain function, the nervous system, and the energy systems of the body. There seems to be a correlation between our mind /thought activity, our feelings, and manifestations of certain conditions in the body. If we want to heal, we first have to change our thoughts, beliefs, and our feelings. In Mediation we come into touch with that part inside of us, that is eternal and invincible. We start to honor the innate life force and begin to understand that God gave us a body to treat as a precious gift . We cultivate the understanding that everything we put inside of our bodies we become. So we want to treat it with love and respect. With time you may experience that there is a higher plan at work and that you can master every challenge that life brings to you… with grace. Practice daily !

5. Be patient with yourself and allow the healing process to unfold. We are
     treating our bodies so unkindly and when you have a chronic condition
   you have probably done that for years. Accept where you are right now.
   I know it is hard at times, but this is the first  step for real Healing and Self  
    Love! Know without a doubt that Disease Reversal is Already inside of you and Miracles can happen!

6. Omega 3 fats: Fish oil or Chia Seeds are very helpful in repairing tissue !
                            Other sources of Omega 3 Fats are Seeds, Nuts, and Legumes.

7.  Cayenne Cream: It comes from dried hot peppers. It alleviates pain by  
     depleting the body’s supply of substance P, which is a chemical component
     of nerve cells that transmits pain signals to the brain.  

8. Pineapple: Since pineapples contain Bromelain, which has anti-  
    inflammatory  properties, that may provide pain relief for those with    
    inflammatory arthritis.

9. Chamomile Tea: It is also called the “cure all cure” !
    it’s calming effects help with all tensions and nervous conditions in the body.
    It helps with stomach aches, boosts the immune system, and eliminates harmful  
    bacteria. If you drink one cup before bedtime you can easily calm down and
    sleep well.

10. Peppermint Tea : Helps with digestive problems, headaches and PMS. It releases tension, cramps, and bloating.
Please stay tuned for further information in my next blog
You can write me an email or book a personal consultation via Skype:

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