Blog article : You are the one who knows best what’s good for you!
Yes, I know,It has been ridiculed by the main stream media, the WHO ( World Health Organization) and Health experts in this time of the great Co-Vid “ Plandemic” ( as some people like to call it) but the truth is: You can heal yourself and the body has something that is called an immune system, do you remember ?
We have been slowly prepared to believe in the necessity of flu shots, or in the terrible dangers of the Swine flu and other pandemics.These Pandemics seem not to occur in Nature and therefore they leave one question: If it is manmade what are the reasons behind such strange activity?
To follow this rabbit hole shall not be the main theme of this blog.
We want to offer solutions that are simple and helpful to install good Health.
Nature has everything we need to heal ourselves and to strengthen our immunity.
Humans have mostly lost the connection to their body, their Soul and even to Nature itself. Since years Healthcare has turned almost completely
into a Disease Management, designed to distribute medication that is inefficient: For a good reason.
Following the money it seems interesting that the Medical Association was founded by the Rockefellers in 1939 as the “Drug Trust Alliance” in connection with IG Farben Germany, and Bayer.I guess they had “our best interest in mind.”
In these days there seems to be a connection between the push for vaccinations and the mandatory wearing of masks forced upon us. Again we have to ask ourselves some very important questions. Who benefits from all the draconian measures ?
New models of Virology and Germ theories show clearly that there is no such thing as a virus jumping six feet from one person to another.
Wouldn’t this be the time to rediscover the importance of taking good care of our Health, instead of demanding another vaccination with harmful and untested side effects, or yelling at our fellow human being for not wearing a mask ?
The crisis of “the Virus” is coming to us as a gift with the chance to rethink our ways.
The trend of giving our responsibility for our well being into the hands of so called experts has to be reversed, for the harm and intoxication caused in the long term is disastrous.
In times of the Internet and in the age of Information ignorance is not bliss, but a choice.
The body has an innate intelligence with the ability to self regulate, regenerate and to heal itself. This process is called Homeostasis.
Doctors are fast in prescribing Antibiotics for every infection or disease.
ANTI— which means against and BIOS meaning life makes it clear that this kind of medication is not designed to build you up. They are well known to destroy the gut flora, which is making 80% of our immune system.
It is also known that Antibiotics actually are causing allergies and other inflammatory reactions in the body.
What you will need then is PRO BIOTIC ( healthy bacteria) which means FOR LIFE to rebuild the natural balance of healthy bacteria in your intestine.
If we understand these principals why would we not use them ?
First you need to restore the balance in your body. Start with a healthy alkaline-acidic relation in your blood. Scratch off your menu any processed and denaturalized foods and substitute them with healthy wholesome, organic, fresh and raw produce.Eliminate refined sugar and white bleached wheat from your diet. Your diet should include supplements with digestive enzymes,Veggie juices with carrots, green celery, and apples which contain essential vitamins C, A, B-Complex and Vitamin E and chlorophyll.
Blueberries and other berries are a rich source of natural antioxidants,Vitamins and other beneficial nutrients. Purple and dark red are the signatures of
a special class of natural antioxidants called Anthocyanin. Anthocyanin performs amazing housekeeping jobs, including stocking the arteries with healthy levels of nitric oxide. As a result, Anthocyanin has a powerful role in protecting blood vessels and lowering blood pressure. Anthocyanin has highly anti-inflammatory properties.
Develop new habits that are fun and healthy and bring you vitality and endurance!
Rediscover Natural Home remedies. Our Ancestors intuitively knew how to restore and maintain health with simple, affordable plant based remedies!
These remedies all have one thing in common: They strengthen the immune system, and nourish the body with vitamins, minerals and trace elements. They have no negative side effects and they are designed by Mother Nature to really bring release and healing.
Lung infections or infections of the Respiratory System
Since these infections are caused by viruses, bacteria or mold, they all die
off by higher temperatures. So we have to heat up the lungs and work with
hot water.
1. Humidifier : it humidifies and add moisture to the air which helps eliminating
sputum through coughing.
2. Hot Steam Bath : heat up 1l of water, add some Sea salt and essential oils
that have antibacterial effects such as: Eucalyptus Oil,Peppermint Oil,
Oregano Oil, Thyme Oil in a bowl and cover your head with a towel and
inhale the hot steam
3. Drink plenty of warm liquids, hot Soup, Herbal Teas
4. Licorice: chewing licorice roots will increase immunity
5. Garlic: A clove of garlic can be crushed and eaten raw followed by a glass of warm water, best before bed or simply prepare a tea with it and drink
it hot
6. Spices: Cloves, Ginger and Pepper should be consumed daily as a natural
cure for lung infection
Herbal tea from Thyme, Sage or Ribwort are also precious gifts from Nature.
Hot Lemon, Ginger , Honey Water, & Cayenne Pepper are powerful Immune Boosters
Fresh grated ginger, juice of a pressed lemon, Honey, & Cayenne Pepper added to hot water and drink slowly.
You have the Vitamin C with the lemon and it alkalizes the blood.
Ginger is highly antiviral and heat generating. Raw Honey is antibacterial.
Cayenne Pepper opens up the blood vessels and cleanses the arteries.
High doses of Vitamin C & Vitamin D at least 1000 mg per day is recommended at this point in time!
And most important: Rest and allow the body to heal, sleep and take good care of yourself. Laugh and love a lot.That increases the healing process, stay positive and nurture your mind with prayer, meditation and a positive attitude.
Remember that what you focus on will grow, so focus on health. Envision yourself as healthy, happy and fulfilled. That makes all the difference.
Avoid main stream media, including T.V, News Papers, and the Internet. Connect with Nature and deepen a loving relation ship with yourself and everything around you. Fall in love with life itself.Learn to trust yourself.
Sharpen your intuition and try to understand the language of your body.
It is talking to you all the time. All you have to do is take some time to listen.
Only you know what is best for you !
Hot Lemon, Ginger Honey Water & Cayenne Pepper are powerful immune boosters