The Canvas of Your Life: How to use your mind to create the life you really want.

Your life is your canvas, you better paint it the way you want it, or somebody else will!
                                                                                         Don Miguel Ruiz

In the morning of  the 1st of January 2020 I awoke with a picture in my mind: I saw the year ahead as a white canvas, clean, clear, and unwritten. The promise of infinite possibilities was in the air and the picture is with me still. A lot of people I meet seem to be in their same old treadmill, despite all the resolutions and good intentions for positive changes and... I wonder : Does it have to be this way ?
If you are familiar with creating a Vision Board, or the theory of “The Law of Attraction” you might wonder why it’s working for some and for others, not. Why do some people heal and others don’t? Why do some people struggle with their lives and others seem to have ease and abundance? How is your own life going right now? What would you like to change?

A Matter of Energy and Vibration

First of all, we have to understand that everything is energy and vibration. The new models of Quantum Physics tell us that there is no solid matter as such. Everything is fields of information. There is a huge field of infinite possibilities and our choices make objects manifest. Every thought we think has a certain vibrational frequency so it makes sense that we have a choice over the outcome of our realities if we choose our thoughts accordingly.
Since everything is mind and everything is fields of information, you can change the information very quickly. By only changing your thoughts and your feelings you can change your environment. This explains why spontaneous healing can happen.
(I recommend the works of Dr. Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, and Dr. Joe Dispenza)
 This gives responsibility over our life circumstances back into our own hands and we become aware that we are powerful creators, if we only knew how to use our minds. There is another powerful organizing principle at work and it is  the Intention of our Soul. Most people in the modern civilized world have lost the connection to that infinite part inside themselves. The Divine Spark that connects us to the creative potential of the Universe.
It is essential to reconnect to the Soul. Everything our Soul has ever experienced in many life times is recorded in the Akashic records*. Our subconscious minds seem to hold all the past fears, traumas and despair. It is like a gigantic memory bank. All these emotions come along with a very dense energy. These lower frequency energies leave an imprint that is very powerful. We are here to outgrow our past circumstances and to balance, learn, and refine so that we don’t have to make the same experiences over and over again. The inspired intention of the Soul and the memory imprint defines the circumstances for the next incarnation.
It is said that we only use 5% of our conscious mind and 95% comes from habitual, patterned, unconscious reactions that put us on autopilot most of the time. This correlates with the world we are born into. The cultural programming starts, the moment that we are born. This programming blocks a lot of our creative potential.
Most people live in survival mode. If only we could understand how powerful we are and that our brains are way more than only processing units. We have so much more capacity than we actually use. And the truth is: Our ability to create is astounding and in fact: limitless. So, how can we use it in a way that serves us and the environment we live in in a positive and constructive way ?
Since everything is mind and everything is fields of information we can change these fields.

Reclaim your mind

“In these times we are living in it requires sovereignty of the mind. You don’t want to be a ‘Sheeple’ in these times”           Robert Phoenix, Astrologer

Most people do not even try to tap into that creative capacity. They rather like to stay in a dependent fearful state of survival. They don’t have the courage to think outside the box. Patterns of addiction and attachment dominate their lives.
Well, we live on a planet of free choice . We can use our free will however we wish.
How do you expect to create change in your life, when you do the same things every day, think the same thoughts as you did yesterday and these thoughts trigger the same feelings over and over again? It is simply not possible!
Let’s give ourselves permission to think anew! To use our creative potential in a completely new way. Envision for a moment the white canvas of your life: How would you paint it ? What colors would you use , what persons show up or a landscape. Allow yourself to use your mind in a new and playful way. Daydream. Invent something. It doesn’t need to be materialized, just allow your mind to flow. When we deny ourselves original thoughts it shuts down the communication to the Higher Mind. These higher and lighter energies can’t make their way through all the density of habitual thinking and emotions coming from fear and worry.
Allow yourself to listen to the guidance. What makes your heart sing ? What gives you a feeling of excitement, upliftment, and expansion? These inspired thought are coming directly from Spirit. These are the inspired thoughts coming through, getting your attention motivating you to take action and initiate the necessary changes in your life.
The quality of our life is no better and no worse than the quality of our thoughts.
So think about your own life. Are you happy where you are right now, with your health, wealth, and relationships? Be honest with yourself. Feel what is still in the way. What subconscious beliefs about yourself and how your life should be lived are you still holding on to?
How would the canvas of your life look, if you would finally start to create it ?

It’s very simple :
Changing habitual thoughts=> uplifting thoughts=> uplifted feelings =>
more inspired decisions=> action that creates an outcome that we are really happy with!
More and more people are awakening to the truth that this is the real reason why we are here. ‘To follow our spark, our bliss,’ as Joseph Campbell said. We are here to be powerful creators, living the life that we wish for, lighthearted, fulfilled, and inspired.
Living this way you might inspire others.
Your soul will know and it will support you in miraculous ways.
This is where conscious creation of your life begins.
Do you want to live a dark, dull, patterned life, or a highly inspired life of joy and fulfillment ?
The choice is yours!

Wishing you an Amazing and Inspired Year 2020

* Akashic Records. According to Anthroposophy and Theosophy, the Akashic records are a synopsis of every single human event, thought, word, and emotion, which have ever occurred in the past, present, or future. Furthermore, they are believed to be encoded in an invisible field of existence referred to as the Etheric Plane.

charles stone