Radical Self Care & Fearlessness
Free falling into the unknown…
Blog for May 2021
Radical Self Care and Fearlessness
“ We are not on our journey to save the World, but to save ourselves! But in doing that, you save the World. The influence of a vital person vitalizes.” Joseph Campbell
Yes, I know it is heartbreaking to watch so many of our fellow humans going for the “simple solution” which was sold to them as a narrative, a plan, a cure, the easy way out.The Vaccine, the masks, the lock downs.
Many of us have family members or dear friends who made the decision to risk their health and well being, to mask themselves, to obey the rules that make no sense at all for a critical thinking person. This did not happen overnight and was long planned as an agenda against humanity and life on this planet.We are speechless in the eye of totalitarian overtake by governments all over the World, by so much fear being artificially spread like a cancer by the Main Stream Media and other institutions. People giving away their power, playing the victim, unable to take responsibility for their own lives and their life choices. Calling for a strong leader to show them the way, tapping willingly into the trap of experts and self anointed doctors in alliance with the pharmaceutical industry and the Governments.
Everything that was unfolding is artificially constructed from the beginning.
There is an old ruling technique: It is called: Problem - Reaction - Solution.
The ones who cause the problems are typically the ones who have the solutions at hand, long before anybody even is thinking about a crisis.
There seems to be a split of timelines. It is all a matter of consciousness, of awareness and the ability to connect the dots. Events presented to us as random are not as random as they seem, if you have eyes to see and ears to hear.The time we are in has long been prophesied by seers and sages as the end of times, as the Apocalypse,Revelation, the spiritual War of Good and Evil.We are right in the midst of it.
This is the crux of our time: Victim Hood and lack of Self Love and Self Care.
The attitude of victim hood is now coming to a radical end. We have to make a choice. The World is waking up and people start to question the official narrative. Something is not right and people feel it. There is a paradigm shift happening and the ages and the pages are turning.
A strong cosmic impulse triggers our human potential and we are asked to leave the old programs and limitations behind and step into complete new territory. It is interesting to see how people are willingly exposing themselves to the danger of an experimental injection believing that things will go back to “normal” again. They risk their health and well being just to stay in an old system that is promising them safety and care for our well being.Nothing could be further from the Truth. The truth is:
We can either choose to live as slaves, being controlled and manipulated by an artificial technocracy or we choose freedom, love, responsibility and true healing. We have to confront our fears, our cognitive dissonance and blindness for some very painful truths that have been in plain sight crawling out of the darkness, hidden for a long time. We have been avoiding to have a close look at our own skeletons in the closet for a long time and now the light is shining brightly on all the unresolved issues. It is all playing out in the outside world. We all have been deeply traumatized one way or the other since we entered this Earth plane and we have been traumatized for thousands and thousands of years. The Covid crisis is the culmination of this trauma unfolding as the global Psychosis that we are now facing. There is so much Victimhood everywhere around us and it is literally running the fabric of humanity. This has to change if we want to overcome this Crisis. The good news is: We now have the chance to heal this ancient wound of separation and can continue to walk on our path with Grace, by owning our Majesty and our full human potential.
Yes, it requires work, inner work, deep reflection. This requires that we have a connection to our true self. That we know who we are, and what the purpose of our life is. It requires that we have the courage to individuate ourselves even if millions pf people go for the “ hive’ mentality brainwashed and programed by slogans as : “We are all in this together, wear a mask, get the vaccine love your neighbor, save lives and so on.”Most people are not remotely interested in all these topics. I tried to convince family and friends and spent hours on Social media spreading the word in the hope of raising the consciousness of the masses.
I see now that I can’t save my fellow humans.
I need to take good care of my own energy, practice radical Self Love and Self Care. If I keep my vibration high I radiate this vibration into the Field around me and it connects likewise frequencies and builds coherence.
It is like the announcement in the airplane by the stewardess:
No, this is not selfish. This is another program that we can let go of once and for all. We cannot give from an empty cup. Period! There is no use to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of others. This belongs to the old Paradigm, the age of Pisces, that was ruled by religions and doctrines.
We can’t save anyone from the consequences of their choices. This is hard to surrender to, but so necessary to understand at this point in time. Keep everyone in your heart and in your prayers that they might be free from damage. That is the best you can do right now.
We need to learn how to self regulate and possess ourselves and then look out for people or groups that share our values.
Be very aware in these days how you nurture yourself, what information you expose yourself to. Avoid anything that is disempowering you and lowers your energy. This is what demonic forces feed of: Our fears and anxieties, our addictions and our negative emotions.
Clear your energetic and emotional body. Own your feelings and stop projecting your unresolved issues and emotions onto the outside world.This brings the power and responsibility back to you! Do whatever works for you to change your energy: Yoga, Meditation, Fasting, being in Nature,Energy Healing, Hypnosis, Past Life Regression. Reach out for help, if needed.
Anything that helps you to release the old issues from many lifetimes out of your Body, Mind and Soul contributes to the healing of the whole planet in a way that you can’t even imagine at this point. Every thought we are sending out into the Unified Field is manifesting. So we want to be aware of the qualities of our thoughts and emotions. We want to elevate ourselves to higher states of consciousness so that we are able to be the beacons of light in this dark time. This is the end of the Kali Yuga *and it was said to be a turbulent and rough ride. Old Souls intuitively know what to do, for it is not the first time that they go through a big planetary shift. They are supposed to be the teachers, healers and spiritual leaders, coming from a place of love, deep understanding, compassion, experience and Wisdom.
At the end of the tunnel awaits us a wonderful time in Peace, Abundance for everyone, Harmony, a Brotherhood of Mankind, creating and living together in alignment with the Laws of Nature and the Universe.
We need to dare to leave the old systems behind that are based on fear, manipulation and suppression and take on our role as Co-Creators with the divine Source. This requires spiritual maturity and clarity and
the will to work it all through.There is no turning back now. There is a wonderful future awaiting us. Do not fear a thing.
This is the shift into a Quantum understanding, a leap in dimension, a completely new way of living on the planet as Galactic Citizens.
This is the most amazing time to be alive. All it takes is that big leap of Faith and complete Trust in the Unknown.
I would love to close with some quotes from Buckminster Fuller, one of the illuminated spirits of our time.Choose one that resonates with you:
“There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly.”
“We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims.”
“Don't fight forces, use them. Love is metaphysical gravity.”
“Everyone is born a genius, but the process of living de-geniuses them.”
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Let us create together!
much love Monika Stone
Kali Yuga (Sanskrit: कलियुग, romanized: kaliyuga or kali-yuga) means "the age of Kali (demon)", "the age of darkness", "the age of vice and misery", or "the age of quarrel and hypocrisy". Kali Yuga is described in the Mahabharata, Manusmriti, Surya Siddhanta, Vishnu Smriti, and various Puranas. Wikipedia
for more information about the Kali Yuga please check out this article from Sadhguru: