The Arising of The Self Organizing Collective
Blog September 2021 by Monika Schneider Stone
At the end of August 2021 I visited an event in Berkley Springs presented by John Peterson and the Arlington Institute. Penny Kelly was talking about the New Era that we are about to enter. Her mind-blowing visions, insights and possibilities inspired me to write this blog, for this knowledge has to be brought to as many people as possible.
The old makes way for the new and that is a blessing!
We are about to enter a new Paradigm, the age of Aquarius and the world as we know it undergoes a huge transformation. The old structures are falling apart right in front of our eyes and the age of deception, secrecy, and tyranny is coming to an end. ( the end of Pisces, or the end of the Kali Yuga )
Lately we are confronted with the endgame scenario of medical and governmental Tyranny which makes it necessary to rethink and relearn everything that we have been told to be true. There is no going back to normal as we knew it and this is a very good thing. The old normal was based on a system of false security and the promise of a government and the medical industry having our best interest at heart. The opposite is true and this is going to be a very painful process for most people to understand. We have been lied to all along and the Covid Crisis with all the restrictions is the climax point of an authoritarian system that has failed to be transparent and of service to the people and who’s days are numbered.
The fear of a virus that has not even been isolated to this day, had people comply blindly to a non scientific psychological operation based mostly on mainstream propaganda built on nothing but lies and is the biggest conspiracy against humanity and all life itself since the beginning of time.
Meanwhile those who did some research and have a sharp intuition and connection to Source, combined with a deep love for freedom, healing, for humanity and our planet, are seeing all these signs of decay and degeneration as a necessary turning point. In order for the new Paradigm to arise, the old structures must be completely deconstructed. No stone will be left unturned. We are right in the middle of this process and it is of utmost importance that we are not engaging in any drama that is presented to us on the outside world stage mostly over TV screens and Main Stream Media.
After this spiritual War is won, we will have to work together with a a greater understanding of what really happened. We must have a vision where we want to go as a civilization, if we want to thrive and not fall back to the old conditions. There is going to be a lot of death and a lot of mess to clean up. But when we all stand together as one humanity, possibly for the first time ever we are able to overcome these obstacles and will develop a higher state of consciousness.
Penny Kelly introduced a complete template for a new advanced galactic civilization based on twelve main pillars including: Governance, Agriculture, Education, Medicine, Science, Religion, the Arts, Society, Business & Trade, Money & Finance,Technology & Energy, and our Planet and Solar System.
We are about to undergo huge changes and questions need to be answered. One thing is for sure: the time of Couch sitting, leaning back and waiting for a savior from the outside to do the job for us is definitely over! These times demand from us to be pro active and take things in our own hands. Nobody will do this for us! We have to become the ones we have been waiting for. We are now becoming the Self Organizing Collective ( SOC).
There are a lot of questions and they demand time to sit still, to stop what we are doing, and to brainstorm on the answers and solutions.
Who do we want to become ?
What kind of relation ships do we want to have ?
How can we govern ourselves?
How can we de-centralize and localize our lives?
How can we heal, nourish and support each other ?
How can we foster co-operation instead of competition?
How can we educate our children to become self confident
and independent thinkers with a mind of their own?
How can we support their creativity?
What do we need to change to raise our consciousness so that we can become galactic citizens ?
It basically starts with Governance:
Governance as a symbol for our inner authority shows us clearly where we are right now. We have given away the authority over our lives completely into the hands of greedy Corporations, Governments and other institutions. We now are finding out that they were not worthy of our trust. More and more is coming into the light of truth and it is a very painful process of disillusionment for many. But in the end it will help us to awaken, to mature and to take things in our own hands again.
“Governance basically is Self governance. It can only come from trust in yourself and comes from a deep connection to Source and a deep Love for yourself first.”
Many basic truths about healing, energy, other life forms, and our origin and history have been hidden and suppressed for a long time. Now in the beginning of the Aquarian Age, the age of Information, Technology and Paradigm Shift a lot of light is shining on all dark and hidden spots. It is not so much that the world gets worse each day, rather than all the darkness comes to light. All Secrets, all hidden agendas and deceptions are revealed. The old structures are crumbling and everything that doesn’t come from Love will fall apart.
This is a process and takes time. It has to happen on a personal level first and then on a global level.
We have to learn to live by Natural Law again. If we obey these laws we will live and thrive, if we don’t we will not survive! It is really that simple.
According to Penny Kelly Galactic Civilizations such as the Pleiadians are eagerly waiting for us to awake and rise in onsciousness so that we can become Galactic Citizens. With the current situation of blind obedience and marching to the drum of conformity to the narrative of Covid 19 and it’s medical and scientific tyranny, humanity seems far from reaching that goal. Through our life style, disconnected from Nature and Mother Earth we have as a species regressed in our development and have become numb, stupid and complacent.
Fortunately it is said in the bible, and this is confirmed scientifically that the Shift does not need billions and masses of people. The bible mentions 144.000. This should be enough to turn things around for the better.
“It is all a matter of Consciousness”
Agriculture and our food supply are going to be essential topics over the coming years. The food industry has become highly toxic and most of our food has nothing or little to do with nutrition at all. We literally starve to death, not because of a lack of food but because of a lack of nutrients that we need in order to thrive. The Soil is depleted and we have to start to copy and learn from Nature. We have to rebuild the Soil and stop poisoning our environment and ourselves. We have to go organic!
Humans have to understand that their bond with the Earth is the only way that they can unfold their potential on this planet. It is time now to develop sustainable Food Systems. It is important to decentralize and get back to local gardening, farmers markets and seasonal food. In that way we can learn about natural rhythms and how to adapt accordingly. This is the next step of our evolution.
We have the advantage of new technologies that will support this development. We can use frequencies for seeds which will enhance the productivity by 60%. There will be technology in the near future that we have not yet dared to dream of, so that we can live in harmony with the Earth and the Cosmos. This is our way to finally give back what we have taken for granted for such a long time. There will be a new understanding of how to keep things in balance and harmony.
This demands a complete new education system. The old system was designed to just swallow and repeat blindly to become a functioning “ Brick in the wall” !
Education in the future will be a symbol of our willingness to expand our consciousness. This education will encourage children to explore and think outside the box and to develop their God given talents.
After we have gone through this challenging transition time we will be able to go beyond just surviving, but we will thrive and explore infinite possibilities and abundance for everyone and will expand from there.
“We will remember that we are powerful Creators”
It is in moments of great adversity that we have the biggest chance for growth and change, if we are able to overcome those obstacles and take that next step in evolution. When we heal ancestral trauma, integrate shadows and unloved aspects of ourselves, when we loose our fear and regain our self respect and our will to stand for what is true and right then that spell that we are currently under has no more grip over us.
This is the next step of the healing process and self mastery that needs to happen. When we become our own authority and will know wrong from right again, we will no longer be seduced and tempted by evil forces.
We will be able to discern and rule ourselves. We are now becoming the SOC, which means Self Organizing Collective. The internet helps us to connect in spirit with like minded Souls and we become stronger each day. The numbers of alternative media users have long overwritten the quotes of the Main Stream Media. We are gaining momentum. People are waking up and that gives a lot of hope! The technology that once was designed to enslave us and to spy on us, is now used to free us and to expand our consciousness. There is a Renaissance of the Founding Fathers goals to be free from tyranny of all kind. Humanity will be free, but there is work to do and still a long way to go. Let us write together a new Declaration of Independence and let us dare to dream big and rekindle our dreams of a free world based on abundance and the pursuit of Happiness available to everyone on the planet. Let’s do this for the generations to come! May God’s blessings be with you !