Ancient Art of Being Human Part I
Cold Mountain Waterfall
Lago Lugano Italy
Accelerated Spiritual Awakening
In the Tradition of the Yamabushi Monks
Now, more than ever we are being drawn to the ways of our Ancestors and Ancient Spiritual Sages. I believe their spirits are here with us and they are silently guiding us in the powerful tradition of waking up to our True Nature.
One such way of quickening the Awakening process:
Since ancient times in Japan, the Yamabushi mountain monks practiced a sacred communion with Nature. To this day the practice continues. One part requires the monks to hike up a sacred mountain and stand under a natural waterfall while meditating. This discipline is said to accelerate spiritual awakening in the disciple. Not that you’d want to follow the path of these ascetic monks, nevertheless you may derive these amazing benefits from a daily cold shower:
Vastly improved overall circulation
Lymphatic system stimulation
Strengthened Immune system
Regulates body temperature (Warm in the cold winter months, cool in the summer heat)
Increased mental clarity and awareness
Vagus nerve is given attention (The Vagus nerve is a two-way network of communication between the brain and most major organs in your body. It regulates things like our Immune systems response to outside attacks, reduces pain sensitivity, our ability to relax, appetite, and much more. A properly functioning vagus nerve will improve brain-body communication, and consequently improve overall body functions.) What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger.